Nurturing our growth in faith is at the core of this ministry. Bible studies, book studies, spiritual enrichment groups, lectures, monthly gatherings for women and men, and Advent and Lenten programs offer the opportunity to share and reflect upon our faith.
Adult faith enrichment is a multi-faceted, learning and living experience for Catholics that meshes education, spiritual growth, and the active practice of faith. Our Adult Faith Enrichment Ministry also offers a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program.
Please check below for information on current, upcoming, and past Adult Faith Enrichment offerings and resources.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Kelly Meraw, Director of Pastoral Care.
Adult Faith Enrichment: News and Events
All are welcome to join our Collaborative scripture study on
The Gospel According to Mark: Part One using the Little Rock Scripture Study book. The group will discuss Mark's account of the life of Jesus over Zoom beginning on: Wednesday, January 27th at 10:00am for 5 sessions. All of those ...
All women of the Collaborative are warmly invited to join us on Zoom as our women's group hosts Michele Dillon, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Sociology at the University of New Hampshire. A frequent lecturer on Women in the Church and contemporary Catholic issues, Dr ...
For many of us, the start of a New Year is a time of reflection and a call to action. This is especially true now as we face the dire consequences from COVID-19 and climate change. Both of these crises have revealed that all humanity is inextricably connected. They have ...
Seasons of Hope is open to all those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. With the help of scripture, prayer, reflection and small group discussion, we give voice to our unique journeys of grief, and find healing, comfort and spiritual growth.
Seasons of Hope is centered on ...
We are now celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Encyclical Letter,
Laudato Si': Care of our Common Home. What could be more fitting than starting a dialogue on how to create our own version of a "common home" here in Wellesley? As Pope Francis stated before a Joint Session of ...
Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start. (LS #205) It’s that time of year again… time to make a new start, time for New Year’s resolutions. How will you change your behavior this ...
Christmas is here ~ CHRIST BE OUR LIGHT! We hope you are enjoying a spirit-filled Christmas! Gifts from the heart supporting those in need bring the light of Christ to all, giving joy to the world. We usually think of the works of mercy individually and in relation to a ...
Collectively, we are all experiencing a Christmas like no other. As a Collaborative, we grieve the loss of the sights and sounds of literally thousands of parishioners flooding our doors to celebrate the birth of our Lord.
Yet, when placed in the light of Christ's own appearance with us here, ...
Collectively, we are all experiencing a Christmas like no other. As a Collaborative, we grieve the loss of the sights and sounds of literally thousands of parishioners flooding our doors to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Yet, when placed in the light of Christ's own appearance with us here, ...
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