The Eucharist – the Sacrifice of the Mass – is “the source and summit of the Christian life.”  The liturgy is the high point of our lives as Catholic Christians and is the source from which we find strength to live as Christ’s people. From this celebration of the Eucharist we are sent in mission, ready to glorify God by our lives.

As such, all of our faith formation centers around the full, active participation of our children, youth, and families in the celebration of the Mass. Our Sunday 9am Family Mass is a family-centered liturgy that serves as the centerpiece of our Religious Education program for children in Grades 1-7, with the children central to and actively involved in all aspects of the Mass.  Regular and active participation in the Sunday Eucharist is a critical component of our Religious Education programs. 

Our programs for children in Grades 1 through 7 are listed below – for more details please visit the program-specific page.

In-Person Programs for Grades 1-7
  • Grades 1-2 First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation
  • Grades 3-5 Classroom Instruction 
  • Grades 6-7 Preparation for the Grade 8 Confirmation Year


If you have a child in grade 3-7 who needs a different option, please see our Alternate Program Options for Grades 3-7 page.



Please contact Linda Messore at