All women of the Collaborative are warmly invited to join the first of our series of virtual gatherings this year. The Still Small Voice Of Calm… listening to the inner voice in the midst of the busyness of service. The session
St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has been attentive and responsive to expert medical advice throughout the emergence of this pandemic. Offering Mass in a safe way for our parishioners has been our paramount concern. As we take careful steps toward celebrating
Our Evening for Women program ended abruptly in the Spring with the coming of Covid-19 and the prospects for returning to the usual format of in-person prayer, learning and fellowship are dim. Now, more than ever, we need community in
Registration is Now Closed All registered families should have received an email confirming their registration and detailing this year’s Religious Education program including the calendar, links to parents meeting etc. Registration is now closed so that we can assign classes,
Our Collaborative Service Commission met this week and spent some time looking at the many organizations with whom we have a relationship and who we traditionally help in the coming season of Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are looking at creative
We are adjusting the start time of our private prayer hours in anticipation of the reopening of schools. Beginning the week of August 24, each church will be open for private prayer for an hour each week: 1:00pm on Mondays
As you know, a Revised Order Regulating Gatherings Throughout the Commonwealth became effective on August 11, reducing the indoor and outdoor gathering limits permitted in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The order specifically exempts gatherings for the purpose of religious services
The Collaborative Religious Education and Youth Ministry Team has been working to address the challenges posed by COVID19 to identify options for 2020 Spring sacraments and strategies for our 2020-2021 Religious Education Programs. Last week we sent a survey to
What challenging times we are living through. Many individuals are seeing fruits of an increase of time available to nourish our relationships, and slower, richer time with the Lord in prayer. However, we are acutely aware as well that some
Reservations are required for all Masses so we can comply with the guidelines regarding social distancing and capacity. Please do not come to Mass if you have not pre-registered, if you are sick, or if you have recently been exposed to someone