Our Saint John School Confirmation Cohort: Integrating the Corporal Works of Mercy into Christian Service

Our Saint John School Confirmation Cohort: Integrating the Corporal Works of Mercy into Christian Service

Last Sunday night, the Saint John School Confirmation Cohort (a group of SJS graduates preparing together to receive the sacrament of Confirmation this spring) was joined by Brother Anthony Zuba OFM and Amanda Grant Rose of the Capuchin Mobile Ministries.  Brother Anthony shared his own call to vocation in the Franciscan order and its solidarity with those who are most vulnerable in our communities. 

As our SJS Grads continue to learn about the fullness of their reception as Catholic Christians into the Church, the group is discovering ways to integrate The Corporal Works of Mercy into their Christian service. Assisted by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the students imagined ways in which they might live out Catholic Social Teaching…

Monday, February 10 at 7:30pm: A Reflection on “Hope in the Age of Isolation” (Zoom)

Monday, February 10 at 7:30pm: A Reflection on “Hope in the Age of Isolation” (Zoom)

In a world where we are often isolated, is it possible to put community at the center of our lives?  How can we form communities of hope and joy?

Using the Ignatian concept of cura personalis  – care of the whole person – as a starting point, Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ, and Br. Matt Wooters, SJ, will join us as we explore more deeply what it means to put hope, joy, and community at the heart of all we do.

This online event is free and open to all ages…

Family Bingo Night! Thursday, February 27 at 6:00pm at St. Paul Parish Hall

Family Bingo Night! Thursday, February 27 at 6:00pm at St. Paul Parish Hall

Fun for all ages! (Children must be accompanied by an adult.)  We will have prizes for all different age groups, including adults!  Snacks will be provided, however, voluntary donations are encouraged and all proceeds will be donated to Boston Children’s Hospital. 

This event is being hosted by our Collaborative Religious Education students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this spring. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is “sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit” and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Participating in Christian service during their preparation helps to foster an understanding of the centrality of service in the Christian life…

Catholic Schools Week: Fr. Gabriel and Sr. Colleen Share Vocation Stories with SJS Students

Catholic Schools Week: Fr. Gabriel and Sr. Colleen Share Vocation Stories with SJS Students

As part of this year’s Catholic Schools Week celebrations, Sr. Colleen and Fr. Gabriel visited with the 5th and 6th grade students at Saint John School to share about their own vocation stories and the call to priesthood and religious life. The group had a great discussion about how each of us is called by God and how Sister and Father live out their vocations each day.

The girls and boys at SJS had wonderful questions for their guests, including how old you have to be to be a priest/sister, what languages they speak, and what kind of jobs sisters and priests do. What a joy to share this time together celebrating vocations!    

Watch the Recording: “Catholic Women DO Preach: Making Our Voices Heard” Panel Discussion

Watch the Recording: “Catholic Women DO Preach: Making Our Voices Heard” Panel Discussion

On Thursday, January 30, Sr. Colleen Gibson, our Coordinator of Pastoral Care, participated in a panel discussion at a book celebration sponsored by Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry and FutureChurch for Catholic Women Preach: Raising Voices, Renewing the Church, a collection of homilies offered by Catholic women from Cycle C in the Catholic lectionary (including Sr. Colleen!)

A panel discussion with Sr. Colleen, Kayla August, Margaret Eletta Guider, O.S.F., and Chanelle Robinson followed and was streamed live (recording available below.) The panelists offered historical, theological, and pastoral perspectives on the value of women’s voices in the Church and answered question posed by the audience.

Upcoming Cursillo Weekends

Upcoming Cursillo Weekends

Cursillo is a joyful three day experience designed to deepen one’s faith and strengthen one’s ability to carry out Christ’s mission in the world.  

Retreat weekends run from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon at the Notre Dame Spirituality Center in Ipswich.

Upcoming Weekend Dates

Women’s Weekend: February 27 – March 2

Men’s Weekend: April 3 – 6

For more information and application forms, please visit bostoncursillo.org or contact Deacon Rick…

February 4: Evening for Women Program – “The Nameless Women of Mark’s Gospel” with Kelly Meraw

February 4: <i>Evening for Women</i> Program – “The Nameless Women of Mark’s Gospel” with Kelly Meraw

All women of our Collaborative are invited to our first Evening for Women of 2025!

As we continue to explore our theme, “Women in Scripture and the Church”, our Director of Pastoral Care and Liturgy, Kelly Meraw, will explore “The Nameless Women of Mark’s Gospel.” Come and enjoy an evening of reflection and prayer and see afresh the impactful faith of these women in scripture.

Bring a friend and a dish to share for a potluck to follow!  Please RSVP…

Do You Love to Knit/Crochet? Help Make Baby Items for our Mother’s Day “Baby Shower” for Pregnancy Help Boston!

Do You Love to Knit/Crochet? Help Make Baby Items for our Mother’s Day “Baby Shower” for Pregnancy Help Boston!

Our Collaborative will once again host a Mother’s Day “Baby Shower” to collect needed items for the clients of Pregnancy Help Boston, a pregnancy resource center supported through the Archdiocese…

Last year we also provided handmade baby items like hats and blankets for newborns, and the staff at Pregnancy Help remarked particularly on the quantity and quality of the knitted items. Many women who come to Pregnancy Help are alone, so having such a unique and special item for their baby, knitted with love in magnificent colors, is a very special gift!

It’s time to get knitting!  We’re asking folks who love to knit/crochet to participate in this ministry once again…