The Sunday 7:30am Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul Church beginning Sunday, January 5.
This schedule will remain in effect until the Summer Schedule (TBD) begins Memorial Day weekend.
The Sunday 7:30am Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul Church beginning Sunday, January 5.
This schedule will remain in effect until the Summer Schedule (TBD) begins Memorial Day weekend.
Forty years later, I still remember the darkness. It was all-pervasive in that December of 1984 in Leningrad, U.S.S.R. Aside from a short period of dawn in the late morning, day and night were the same. Dark and bitterly cold. Living through that winter gave me a new appreciation for the light I had so often taken for granted. I think of that darkness as I imagine Jesus as the Light, which Isaiah foretold: a light of power and searing warmth that transforms the darkest, coldest night into brilliant, glorious day. Jesus is the light that shines in darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)
Jesus’s light also illumines dark places that had been hidden…
Coffee & Donuts will be on Christmas Break the weekends of December 22 and December 29, returning on Sunday, January 5 at St. John.
Sadly, we continue to have very few volunteers volunteering to help. It takes a village to keep these traditions going, so please help if you can – it’s easy and instructions are provided for all tasks!
Please join us Saturday, December 21 following the Saturday 5:00PM Vigil Mass at St. John’s for a potluck dinner, gift exchange, and party games! Holiday cheer welcome.
6:00 – 8:30PM at the St. John Rectory
SJSP Young Adult Ministry connects young adults between the ages of 21 and 40 to build community, share faith, and socialize.
Children in grades 3-7 are invited to join the Collaborative Children’s Choir to sing at the 4:00pm Mass at St. Paul Church on Christmas Eve. We will be holding a special rehearsal on Saturday, December 21 at 9:30am at St. Paul Church.
But why wait – start singing at the Family Mass now!
The Collaborative Children’s Choir sings the 9:00am Family Mass weekly…
At their meeting on Tuesday, December 10, the School Committee voted in favor of the Academic Calendar Model called “Rotating Model 3: 3 Static and 1 Rotating for Maximum of 4 Holidays.”
This model represents a compromise that attempts to balance inclusivity with academic continuity and length of the school year.
Beginning with the 2025-2026 academic year, WPS will observe three “static” holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Good Friday (school will always be closed when these holidays fall on a school day…
All are invited to join the Saint Vincent de Paul Conference of St. John-St. Paul Collaborative in a Prayer Service on Saturday morning, December 14, at 9:30am at St. Paul Church (or streaming online here.) This prayer service is our send-off offering prior to our Christmas visits to our homebound parishioners.
We would also like to thank the members of the Young Adult Ministry group and the students preparing for their Confirmation for their support of this effort.
Merry Christmas and a heartfelt thank you from our St. Vincent de Paul Conference team.
Each year at this time we invite you to donate toward Christmas Music and/or Christmas Flowers at your parish in memory or honor of a loved one.
You may use the Flower and Music envelopes included with your offertory envelopes and drop them in the collection at Mass, or you may mail or drop your donation to either Parish Office. Please be sure to include the name(s) of those you want remembered in this special way, and please print clearly.
You can also donate online at…
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
SJSP Young Adults are invited to join in some festive fun this December and January – visit the Young Adult Ministry page to learn more and register for any/all of these events!
All are invited to attend a service of Lessons and Carols for Advent and Christmas featuring readings from scripture telling of the coming and birth of Christ paired with music sung by the combined choirs of St. John and St. Paul. This year’s concert will be held at St. Paul Church at 2:00pm on Sunday, December 8.
Lessons and Carols is a service of Scripture and song that dates to the late 19th century. Through poignant readings from the Old and New Testaments, interspersed with beautiful music sung by the combined choirs of St. John and St. Paul, the congregation is invited to reflect on the birth of Jesus in the context of its significance in salvation history…