All high school students are invited to participate in our Youth Ministry Program!

Our program is centered around our youth-focused, vibrant and Spirit-filled Sunday 5:00pm Mass High school students are central to and actively involved in all aspects of this liturgy, serving as greeters and lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, singers and musicians.  

Our hope is that this full, active participation in the liturgy – the source and summit of the Christian life – will foster a lived connection to Christ Jesus and the community of the Church, and help you grow in faith as young adults.

Throughout the year, we offer youth-focused opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

We also provide service opportunities within and outside our Collaborative, as well as social and recreational activities, which help to strengthen connections to the community and to each other.

During the school year we also offer a weekly Youth Group Drop-In Night in the Regan Room in the St. John Parish Center.

Play games, play music, or just hang out with friends! Bring your homework if you want – we’ll have quiet places to get work done, or to study with friends. Come every week or just once in a while – totally up to you!

Visit the Drop-In Night page for more information.

Our Youth Ministry Team also coordinates World Youth Day pilgrimages, service trips (for example, the trip to NPH in the Dominican Republic in 2016), and local recreational trips.

Our Youth Ministry Team is charged with empowering young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today – please visit the Youth Ministry Team page to learn more about the team.

Contact Us:


Instagram: @SJSPYouthMinistry

As young Christians… you are not only a part of the future of the Church; you are also a necessary and beloved part of the Church’s present! 

-Pope Francis, Homily at the Closing Mass for the 6th Asian Youth Day, August 2014