Ash Wednesday, February 14 Collection for Catholic Charities

Ash Wednesday, February 14 Collection for Catholic Charities

The collection at all Masses in the Archdiocese of Boston on Ash Wednesday is taken up for Catholic Charities Boston. Catholic Charities helps thousands of families within our own communities who are facing critical challenges – homelessness, food insecurity, poverty, lack of affordable childcare, access to education and job training, legal advocacy and support for refugees and immigrants – to help achieve stability and reach self-sufficiency.

Donation may be made during the collection on Ash Wednesday or online by visiting
Any amount you can give directly helps our neighbors in need. Thank you so much.

This Sunday, January 7 is the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John!

This Sunday, January 7 is the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John!

Just a reminder that this Sunday, January 7 is the first Sunday of the month, and that means that the Sunday 9:00am Family Mass and 5:00pm Youth Mass will be celebrated at St. John Church. 

Yes, we were at St. John last Sunday too, but that’s because December had three Sundays and we’re at St. John on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month.  And yes, it’s a little confusing, but luckily it doesn’t happen too often!

Winter Weather Policy and Information on Cancellations

Winter Weather Policy and Information on Cancellations

In severe weather situations, it may be necessary to cancel Masses and other events and activities. Decisions regarding the cancellation of Masses and other programs are always made with the safety of our parishioners, staff, and clergy at the forefront. In all things, God gave us the gifts of wisdom, reason, and prudence.  Whether there are cancellations or not, please make the best decision for yourself and your family when considering travel in severe weather.  

Cancellation announcements will be sent to the Collaborative email list and posted on our website and social media. A recorded announcement will be available by calling either parish office when possible. We will do our best to give as much notice as possible in the event of cancellations, and we thank you for your understanding and patience.

Our Thanksgiving Day Mass – Thursday, November 23 at 9:00am at St. Paul Church

Our Thanksgiving Day Mass – Thursday, November 23 at 9:00am at St. Paul Church

This year, our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at St. Paul Church – all are invited to join together in thanksgiving for our many blessings. (The Mass will be livestreamed for those who may be traveling – please click the St. Paul Livestream link.) Please consider sharing your blessings by bringing non-perishable items for the Bristol Lodge Food Pantry.  Suggested donations include: snacks for kids, pasta and sauce, tuna, peanut butter, rice, cooking oil…

It’s the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John’s this Weekend!

It’s the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John’s this Weekend!

Just a reminder that this Sunday, November 5 is the first Sunday of the month, and that means that the Sunday 9:00am Family Mass and 5:00pm Youth Mass will be celebrated at St. John Church. 

Yes, we were at St. John last Sunday too, but that’s because October had three Sundays and we’re at St. John on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. And yes, it’s a little confusing, but luckily it doesn’t happen too often!

Did you notice flags on the parish lawns this week?  When you see a green flag flying on the lawn, that means the Sunday 9AM Family Mass and 5PM Youth Mass are being celebrated at that church…

Important! Upcoming Work at St. Paul Church and Temporary Mass Changes: October 17 – 20

Important! Upcoming Work at St. Paul Church and Temporary Mass Changes: October 17 – 20

We are thrilled to let you know that we finally have a date for the replacement of the old speakers at St. Paul Church!  The sound system work will begin on Tuesday, October 17 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of the day on Friday, October 20. We will not be able to celebrate Mass (including funeral Masses) in the church while this work is taking place.

The 9:00am Weekday Mass will be celebrated at St. John the Evangelist Church on the following dates:

Wednesday, October 18: 9:00am Mass at St. John
Friday, October 20: 9:00am Mass at St. John

Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass is this Sunday, September 17 at 10:30am on the Lawn at St. Paul

Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass is this Sunday, September 17 at 10:30am on the Lawn at St. Paul

Please join us as we gather together as a community on the expansive lawn in front of St. Paul Church to celebrate our first Collaborative Outdoor Mass since 2019. Parishioners are invited to bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating. A section of chairs will be set up and available for those who require them due to mobility issues. We ask all others to please bring their own lawn chairs/blankets for seating. After Mass, please join us in the parking lot behind the church for fellowship, food, and fun! 

We will have a reduced Mass schedule on…