Our New Collaborative Children’s Choir

Our New Collaborative Children’s Choir

We are delighted to begin our choral season at the Collaborative, and we are especially thrilled about the debut of the Collaborative Children’s Choir. The Children’s Choir will sing the 9:00am Family Mass weekly during the school year. Its repertoire will be broad and will aim to introduce the singers (and congregation) to music from different parts of the Church’s history up to and including the music of today.

The Children’s Choir is open to grades 3-7 (with some flexibility, just ask!) and meets at 8:15am before the 9:00am Sunday Mass. There are no prerequisites, just an enthusiastic attitude and the desire to sing beautifully.

The goals of this choir are to give the children an opportunity to participate more fully in the liturgy…

Come Sing in the Choir!

Come Sing in the Choir!

We are overjoyed to welcome back choristers from the summer break to the choirs in the Collaborative.

If you are interested in singing, no matter your level of experience or skill, we would love to have you in our ranks.

All choirs will be back in action on the weekend of September 7-8.

There are many opportunities to sing each week:

Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John – Sung by the St. John Parish Choir
Sunday 9:00am Family Mass (Rotating) – Sung by the NEW SJSP Children’s Choir
Sunday 11:00am Mass at St. Paul – Sung by the St. Paul Parish Choir
Sunday 5:00pm Youth Mass (Rotating) – Sung by the Sunday 5pm Youth Music Group

Welcoming Our Collaborative Director of Music, William Endicott!

Welcoming Our Collaborative Director of Music, William Endicott!

As we announced back in February when we began the search process, the new role of Collaborative Director of Music replaces our past structure of separate parish music directors. As Collaborative Director of Music, William has responsibility for and oversight over all facets of music ministry within the Collaborative, including the music of every Mass as well as our adult, teen, and children’s choirs.  He looks forward to familiarizing himself with the musical traditions of our unique parishes while also looking for opportunities to deepen our collaboration.

New! A Weekly Music and Worship Aid!
One area where William brings significant musicology is the regular use of a worship aid…

Celebrating Mary Lee Cirella!

Celebrating Mary Lee Cirella!

Last Sunday we celebrated Mary Lee Cirella, our St. Paul Music Director and Organist for over 30 years!

After the 9:00am Mass a large crowd of friends, family, and parishioners old and new joined Fr. Jim and the St. Paul Choir in the Parish Hall to congratulate Mary Lee on her considerable legacy of Music Ministry to St. Paul Parish and to wish her well!

Please visit the Collaborative Photo Albums page for more photos from this wonderful event!

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

It is with great joy we introduce our new Collaborative Director of Music Ministries, William Endicott. William has been serving as Music Director and Organist of Holy Name Parish in West Roxbury and the Director of Music and Conductor of the Harvard Catholic Center. He holds three music degrees including Bachelor of Voice Performance, Master of Music in Choral Conducting and Master of Sacred Music in Organ Performance…

William will begin his new role on the weekend of July 6-7. Please join us in warmly welcoming him…

An Important Message about Music at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative

An Important Message about Music at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative

Over the course of the almost 9 years since our parishes came together as a Collaborative in 2015, we have worked to establish a Collaborative Pastoral Council, Collaborative Adult Faith Enrichment and Service Commissions, and Collaborative Religious Education and Youth Ministry programs. This work has made our Collaborative, and our parishes, even stronger and more vibrant.

Now, in 2024, the time is right to put the last piece of the collaborative puzzle in place by creating the new role of Collaborative Director of Music, replacing the current structure of separate parish music directors. Reporting directly to the pastor, the Collaborative Director of Music will have responsibility for and oversight over all facets of music ministry within the Collaborative, including the music of every Mass as well as our adult, teen, and children’s choirs.  Over time, we have created unique musical cultures at each of our Masses, and our desire is to honor and retain that uniqueness moving forward…

St. Paul “Christmas Pops Concert” – Sunday, December 10 at 2:00pm

St. Paul “Christmas Pops Concert” – Sunday, December 10 at 2:00pm

The St. Paul Parish Adult Choir, under the direction of Mary Lee Cirella, presents their annual Christmas Pops Concert with soloists and orchestra.
The concert will include Cantata 140 “Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme” by Bach with soloists Abby Rogers, Stephen Chrzan, and Michael Szydlowski.

Other music will include works by John Rutter and some special music from the movie, “Home Alone,” by John Williams with soloist Eleanor Galvao.

Fr. Jim Laughlin will be singing a very special song as well!

Attention Young Singers! Join the Christmas Youth Choir!

Attention Young Singers! Join the Christmas Youth Choir!

Sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, October 29 from 11:15am-12:15pm in the St. John Chapel. Participation is open to all St. John and St. Paul parishioners in grades 1-8. Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to participate as assistants – Community Service and Confirmation hours/credits are earned. Adult Family members are invited to join our Family Mass Musician Group for Christmas Eve. Attendance at rehearsals is required.

This year, the Christmas Youth Choir will participate in the 4:00pm Christmas Eve Family Mass at St. John (3:30 candlelight procession and prelude.) All rehearsals are in St. John Chapel…

Sunday 9:00am Family Mass Music Opportunities

Sunday 9:00am Family Mass Music Opportunities

Children and adults blend voice and instruments to praise the Lord and enrich our Sunday 9:00am Family Mass with upbeat, child-friendly, hand-clapping hymns. 

We rehearse each Sunday morning at 8:30am in the church to prepare for that day’s 9:00am Mass (no need to commit to every Sunday), and we also prepare special liturgies for Grade Level Masses, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday and Easter. 

All ages, Grade 1 and older, are welcome! We are always seeking new singers and instrumentalists to join our ranks.