2021 Parish Annual Appeals Launched

2021 Parish Annual Appeals Launched

The Parish Annual Financial Report and Annual Appeal for both parishes will be arriving in the mailboxes and inboxes of all registered parishioners in the coming days. As you know, the financial assets and obligations of each parish remain separate. The Annual Financial Report provides a detailed picture of the financial health of your parish, and the Annual Appeal asks for your continued support in the days ahead.

Please take some time to prayerfully reflect on your contribution to your Parish Annual Appeal, and give as generously as you can.  You make the mission of your parish possible, and your support of both the Weekly Offertory and the Annual Appeal is critical to ensuring that your parish continues to thrive in the years ahead.

To make an online donation now…

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Do you feel a desire to be trained as a Eucharistic Minister? 
Do you feel a prompting to proclaim the Word of God as a Lector at Mass? 
Are you called to comfort the grieving by serving at the Altar for funeral Masses?
Do you want to steward financial offerings by gathering the collection? 
Have you been waiting for a specific call to serve?


August 21-22: Collection of Non-Perishable Items for the New “Free Mini Pantry” in Natick

August 21-22: Collection of Non-Perishable Items for the New “Free Mini Pantry” in Natick

Are you looking for a way to help fight food insecurity in the local area? The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative will be holding a collection of non-perishable food and personal items for the recently established “Mini-Free Pantry” in Natick this weekend, August 21-22.  Please consider supporting this effort by donating unexpired, non-perishable items to the collection bins at either church. At St. Paul the collection bins will be in the foyer of the main doors of the church and at St. John the bins will be at the Glen Road entrance.

Most needed items include: peanut butter, canned fruit, personal care items, diapers and wipes. Thank you!

A Message from Fr. John Connelly

A Message from Fr. John Connelly

Fr. John Connelly has been in residence at St. John the Evangelist Parish since 2013, when he retired at the age of 90 after 30 years as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Newton. We are so blessed to have had him with us for the past eight years, and will be forever grateful for all the ways he has enriched our faith community with his wisdom, grace, and humor, and for the profound impact he has had on parishioners and staff alike. Fr. Connelly recently made the decision to move to Regina Cleri, the priests’ retirement home in Boston, and asked us to share this message.

I have enjoyed quite a remarkable tenure here in Wellesley, and St. John’s will always have a special place in my heart…

Reminder: Mass Live Streams Begin This Weekend!

Reminder: Mass Live Streams Begin This Weekend!

All weekend Masses at the Collaborative will now be available via live stream on our website!  For our parishioners who are not yet able to come back in person, participating in a live Mass at one of our churches, together with fellow parishioners present in the pews, will be a far richer experience than a previously recorded Mass.

In addition to the live streams, we will continue to maintain our Previously Recorded Liturgies page. We will add a link to the recording of one of the Saturday Vigil Masses every weekend, so a recorded Mass will still be available to watch “on-demand” on Sundays (and any time thereafter.)