October marks the launch of the Parish Annual Appeals for both parishes. (As you know, the financial assets and obligations of each parish remain separate.)

In the coming days,  all registered parishioners will receive a mailing with their parish’s Annual Financial Report and Annual Appeal. The Annual Financial Report provides a detailed picture of the financial health of your parish, and the Annual Appeal asks for your continued support in the days ahead. (The Annual Reports are also available on the Collaborative website on each parish’s Finance Council page: St. John Finance Council  St. Paul Finance Council Page .)  

Please take some time to prayerfully reflect on your contribution to your Parish Annual Appeal, and give as generously as you can. You make the mission of your parish possible, and your support of both the Offertory and the Annual Appeal is critical to ensuring that your parish continues to thrive in the years ahead.

Ways to Give


The mailing includes both a Parish Annual Appeal pledge card and a return envelope. Your pledge/donation may be returned by mail, dropped at the Parish Office, or placed in the collection at Mass. (Please make your check payable to your parish and be sure to note “Annual Appeal” on your check.) 


St. John Online Giving    St. Paul Online Giving


Please contact your bank directly to set up automatic bill pay to your parish. The parish is not charged a fee for this transaction.


Questions? Please contact Jackie Welham, Director of Finance and Operations.


If you do not receive the mailing, please call your parish office (St. Paul at 781-235-1060 or St. John at 781-235-0045) so we can check our records.

2022 Parish Annual Appeals Launched