January 12, 2025: An Important Message from Fr. Jim

January 12, 2025: An Important Message from Fr. Jim

As many of you know, in the spring of 2022 I sustained life-threatening injuries when I was struck by a vehicle as a pedestrian. I am now writing to let you know about a new development from my accident – the gift that keeps on giving!

As a direct result of the injuries I suffered, I need a total hip replacement, which is scheduled for this week. Due to the prior trauma, there are some additional complications associated with the procedure and recovery, but my surgeon assures me that it will greatly improve my quality of life. I’ve been told that my recovery from surgery will require several weeks, and my return to ministry at the Collaborative will be based on the progression of my rehabilitation and my doctor’s advice…

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light…” A Christmas Message from Fr. Jim

<i>“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light…”</i> A Christmas Message from Fr. Jim

Forty years later, I still remember the darkness. It was all-pervasive in that December of 1984 in Leningrad, U.S.S.R.  Aside from a short period of dawn in the late morning, day and night were the same. Dark and bitterly cold. Living through that winter gave me a new appreciation for the light I had so often taken for granted. I think of that darkness as I imagine Jesus as the Light, which Isaiah foretold: a light of power and searing warmth that transforms the darkest, coldest night into brilliant, glorious day. Jesus is the light that shines in darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)

Jesus’s light also illumines dark places that had been hidden…

A Message from Fr. Jim: New Seasons and New Beginnings – Thanking Maria Wardwell

A Message from Fr. Jim: New Seasons and New Beginnings – Thanking Maria Wardwell

No matter how long we’ve been out of school, the beginning of September always feels like the start of something new, and this year is no exception. I am particularly excited this year about the launch of the choral season at the Collaborative, under the direction of William Endicott, our new Director of Music. Over the summer, William announced the debut of a new Collaborative Children’s Choir, open to children in grades 3-7 (with some flexibility, just ask!) The choir will be singing the 9:00am Family Mass each week during the school year, as well as Family Masses on Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday… 

At this time, it is important to acknowledge and thank Maria Wardwell, who has served for more than 20 years as the Director of Christmas & Easter Youth Choirs for St. John the Evangelist Parish, and in recent years for the Collaborative. Beginning as the cantor for the St. John Family Mass more than 20 years ago, she continued in that role after we moved to our Collaborative Family Mass program…

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

It is with great joy we introduce our new Collaborative Director of Music Ministries, William Endicott. William has been serving as Music Director and Organist of Holy Name Parish in West Roxbury and the Director of Music and Conductor of the Harvard Catholic Center. He holds three music degrees including Bachelor of Voice Performance, Master of Music in Choral Conducting and Master of Sacred Music in Organ Performance…

William will begin his new role on the weekend of July 6-7. Please join us in warmly welcoming him…

This Weekend, March 2-3: Launch of the 2024 Catholic Appeal – “Forward in Faith”

This Weekend, March 2-3: Launch of the 2024 Catholic Appeal – “Forward in Faith”

This weekend, March 2-3, the 2024 Catholic Appeal will officially launch here in our parishes and across the Archdiocese. One of the most meaningful ways that we witness the presence of Christ and deepen the impact of our Church’s ministries is by supporting the Catholic Appeal.

As your pastor, I invite you to prayerfully consider extending your generosity to this year’s appeal. Many of you have already done so and I am deeply grateful. When our parishes reach their financial targets and participation goals, a portion of the additional funds received will be returned to us for use in our parishes.

An Important Message about Music at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative

An Important Message about Music at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative

Over the course of the almost 9 years since our parishes came together as a Collaborative in 2015, we have worked to establish a Collaborative Pastoral Council, Collaborative Adult Faith Enrichment and Service Commissions, and Collaborative Religious Education and Youth Ministry programs. This work has made our Collaborative, and our parishes, even stronger and more vibrant.

Now, in 2024, the time is right to put the last piece of the collaborative puzzle in place by creating the new role of Collaborative Director of Music, replacing the current structure of separate parish music directors. Reporting directly to the pastor, the Collaborative Director of Music will have responsibility for and oversight over all facets of music ministry within the Collaborative, including the music of every Mass as well as our adult, teen, and children’s choirs.  Over time, we have created unique musical cultures at each of our Masses, and our desire is to honor and retain that uniqueness moving forward…

Welcome Sister Colleen!

Welcome Sister Colleen!

I am so happy to introduce you to Sister Colleen Gibson, SSJ, the new Coordinator of Pastoral Care for our Collaborative. Sister Colleen, whose primary office will be at the St. Paul Rectory Offices, will work in partnership with Kelly Meraw, our Director of Pastoral Care, on adult faith formation programs, service and outreach initiatives, and coordinating sacramental liturgies and services across the Collaborative. Below is a brief introduction – please join me in welcoming Sister Colleen to our Collaborative!

Sister Colleen Gibson, SSJ is a Sister of Saint Joseph from Philadelphia and recent graduate of the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. An award-winning writer, her work appears regularly in Give Us This Day and the National Catholic Reporter

Welcome Deacon Rick!

Welcome Deacon Rick!

I am thrilled to let you know that we will be welcoming a new deacon to our St. John-St. Paul Collaborative community! 

Rick Vatcher will be ordained a Permanent Deacon on September 9, and will be joining our Collaborative pastoral staff in a part-time capacity after that.

Below is a brief introduction – I know you will join me in welcoming him to the Collaborative!

March 4-5: 2023 Catholic Appeal Launch

March 4-5: 2023 Catholic Appeal Launch

This weekend, March 4-5, the 2023 Catholic Appeal will officially launch here in our parishes and across the Archdiocese. One of the most meaningful ways that we witness the presence of Christ and deepen the impact of our Church’s ministries is by supporting the Catholic Appeal.

As your pastor, I invite you to prayerfully consider extending your generosity to this year’s appeal. Many of you have already done so and I am deeply grateful. When our parishes reach their goals, a portion of the additional funds received will be returned to us for use in our parishes.

To make a gift online…

A Lenten Message from Fr. Jim

A Lenten Message from Fr. Jim

Last June 2, when I came to consciousness on the pavement after having been hit by a car at high velocity, I truly saw my life flash before me. Somehow, in that moment of shock, pain, and disorientation, I knew that Jesus was with me. Over the next many months of hospitalization and rehabilitation, I had a lot of time to reflect on my experience. I could easily have died on that pavement and yet God spared my life. I have a renewed sense that I am here on this earth for a purpose. And I firmly believe that this is true not only for me but for each one of us. You are in this world for a purpose, one which only you can fulfill. God loves you profoundly and has called you… in your family, your profession, your relationships… to bring His light into the world. I see the fruits of your call every day…