After this, aware that everything was now finished,
in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I thirst.” (John 19:28)

Last June 2, when I came to consciousness on the pavement after having been hit by a car at high velocity, I truly saw my life flash before me. Somehow, in that moment of shock, pain, and disorientation, I knew that Jesus was with me. Over the next many months of hospitalization and rehabilitation, I had a lot of time to reflect on my experience. I could easily have died on that pavement and yet God spared my life. I have a renewed sense that I am here on this earth for a purpose. And I firmly believe that this is true not only for me but for each one of us. You are in this world for a purpose, one which only you can fulfill. God loves you profoundly and has called you… in your family, your profession, your relationships… to bring His light into the world. I see the fruits of your call every day… in the sacrifices you make for your children, in your extraordinary generosity in responding to the needs of the poor and vulnerable, and in your witness to the goodness of God in a world in which cynicism, apathy and cruelty are all too prevalent. It is a privilege as your pastor to walk the journey of life with you.

We live out our God-given purpose in life not merely by following the teachings of Jesus, but in a living, dynamic relationship with the One who loves us more than we can imagine. Lent is a beautiful time to rekindle and rediscover that relationship. What are you longing for? For what do you thirst? Can we allow Jesus to be the “living water,” which alone can truly satisfy our thirst? (cf. Jn 4:13-14)

I have read and re-read a book which has been very helpful in my own prayer. It is called The Impact of God: Soundings from St. John of the Cross by Fr. Iain Matthew, an English Carmelite priest. In expounding the teachings of John of the Cross, Fr. Matthew invites us to reverse the usual paradigm of prayer, that is, our seeking God. Rather, John of the Cross reminds us that God is actively seeking us. Our role in prayer: to make space for God’s approach.

May this be for you a grace-filled Lent. And may you grow in greater intimacy with Jesus, who longs, indeed thirsts, to be in loving communion with you!

Much love in Christ,

Fr. Jim

A Lenten Message from Fr. Jim