This year marks the 5th anniversary of the Pope’s encyclical, Laudato Si’. Sadly, I had never heard of Laudato Si’ until several months ago when it caught my attention in one of our church bulletins. Even so, I didn’t truly understand its implications until more recently when, during the pandemic, I was able to actually observe the positive impact of fewer cars on the road. Seeing the plants in my yard truly flourish drove home for me what Laudato Si’ is all about. As stewards of this planet, we can no longer ignore Mother Earth’s cries. Changing our ways to help our planet will take patience, hard work, and dedication. It will require changing old habits and creating new ones. The good news is, in Laudato Si’, the Pope has laid out a series of suggestions which are easy to put into practice.

Through these updates, our committee hopes to pass along the Pope’s recommendations so that together we can implement strategies that will help all of us better care for our common home.

Laudato Si’: Caring for Our Common Home