July 24: St. Paul Church Bell Tower Financial Update  

July 24: St. Paul Church Bell Tower Financial Update  

The work on the bell tower is now well underway!

As of July 20, a total of $63,750 has been received toward the total budgeted amount of $487, 200 – a great start!

To donate now please visit the St. Paul Bell Tower Fund Giving Page

Donations may also be made using the reply envelope that was mailed to all registered St. Paul parishioners.

Additional envelopes are also available in the back of both churches…

July 17: St. Paul Bell Tower Project in the News!

July 17: St. Paul Bell Tower Project in the News!

The St. Paul Bell Tower project was featured this week on The Swellesley Report!  The post, St. Paul Church in Wellesley to bring back the ring of historic bell talks about the project and features some great photos and interesting history!  The photos below were taken during the their visit to St. Paul last week, and we wanted to share them with you along with a bit of the bell’s history.

The bell was donated to the church in 1926 by Salvatore DeFazio and family. According to St. Paul parishioner Tory DeFazio, Salvatore’s grandson, Salvatore promised the pastor that he would donate a bell soon after the church opened in 1916. Pastor Edward Welch held him to it. “It took my grandfather about ten years to raise the money, but he did it,” said DeFazio…

July 3: Update on the St. Paul Bell Tower Project

July 3: Update on the St. Paul Bell Tower Project

The scaffolding is up and the work is about to begin! As you can see in the photo, the scaffolding is set up to allow access to the main doors of the church during construction. 

This is a large undertaking, and represents a significant investment in St. Paul Parish. The total cost is budgeted to be $487,200, and the Parish has been approved for a short term loan from the Archdiocese to cover up to seventy-five percent of the budget. While we are fortunate to have additional income from the leasing of the school building, we still need the assistance of the St. Paul community to fund this project and to repay the loan…

Important Announcement: St. Paul Church Bell Tower Project

Important Announcement: St. Paul Church Bell Tower Project

As you know, the St. Paul bell, installed in 1926, has been silent for many years. This is partly because the bell’s ringing mechanism is no longer functioning. However, the more important issue is that the wood framing for the 3,000lb bell is failing and in urgent need of replacement. In addition, the bell tower’s masonry and parapet also require significant repair. These are critical issues of safety and stability, and this work cannot be put off.

The total cost is budgeted to be $487,200.

On behalf of Fr. Jim and Fr. Hehir, we are asking you for your help. St. Paul parishioners have a long history of giving generously to support our parish. Please take a moment to prayerfully reflect on how you can contribute.  To give now…

Saturday, May 21: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

Saturday, May 21: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

All military veterans and their families are cordially invited to attend a special Veterans Memorial Mass at St. Paul Church at 4:00pm on Saturday, May 21. Organized by the Wellesley Veterans’ Council, this annual event brings Wellesley veterans together as part of the annual Wellesley Wonderful Weekend. Veterans are invited (but not required!) to wear their uniforms. We will gather in the St. Paul foyer and process in with the celebrant to reserved seats down front.  During the Mass we will remember those veterans from Wellesley who gave their lives for our country. We salute your service to our country and look forward to seeing you at St. Paul on May 21.

9:00am Mass at St. Paul and 1:00pm Adoration at St. John Cancelled on Friday, January 7

9:00am Mass at St. Paul and 1:00pm Adoration at St. John Cancelled on Friday, January 7

With the current forecast calling for heavy snow and hazardous travel throughout the day, and with the safety of our parishioners and staff always at the forefront of our decisions, the 9:00am Mass at St. Paul and the 1:00pm Adoration at St. John on Friday, January 7 are cancelled. 

The Collaborative Offices will also be closed, and staff will be working remotely.  Messages and emails will be returned as soon as possible.

2021 Parish Annual Appeals Launched

2021 Parish Annual Appeals Launched

The Parish Annual Financial Report and Annual Appeal for both parishes will be arriving in the mailboxes and inboxes of all registered parishioners in the coming days. As you know, the financial assets and obligations of each parish remain separate. The Annual Financial Report provides a detailed picture of the financial health of your parish, and the Annual Appeal asks for your continued support in the days ahead.

Please take some time to prayerfully reflect on your contribution to your Parish Annual Appeal, and give as generously as you can.  You make the mission of your parish possible, and your support of both the Weekly Offertory and the Annual Appeal is critical to ensuring that your parish continues to thrive in the years ahead.

To make an online donation now…

Saturday, October 2: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

Saturday, October 2: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

All military veterans and their families are cordially invited to attend a special Veterans Memorial Mass at St. Paul Church at 4:00pm on Saturday, October 2. Organized by the Wellesley Veterans’ Council, this annual event brings Wellesley veterans together as part of the annual Wellesley Wonderful Weekend. Veterans are invited (but not required!) to wear their uniforms. We will gather in the St. Paul foyer and process in with the celebrant to reserved seats down front.  During the Mass we will remember those veterans from Wellesley who gave their lives for our country. We salute your service to our country and look forward to seeing you at St. Paul on October 2.

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Do you feel a desire to be trained as a Eucharistic Minister? 
Do you feel a prompting to proclaim the Word of God as a Lector at Mass? 
Are you called to comfort the grieving by serving at the Altar for funeral Masses?
Do you want to steward financial offerings by gathering the collection? 
Have you been waiting for a specific call to serve?