The St. Paul Church Front Entrance is Now Complete!

The St. Paul Church Front Entrance is Now Complete!

The installation of the new front steps at St. Paul Church was completed this week. The new granite steps, in addition to being beautiful, will be much safer and much easier to keep clear in the winter than the previous brick steps.

The crew is still working on a few small repairs to the side entrances, which should be completed very soon. We thank you again for your patience as we complete this important work…

Front Step Replacement at St. Paul Church

Front Step Replacement at St. Paul Church

We are pleased to let you know that the work to replace the current brick steps with new granite steps has begun.

The work is expected to take 2-3 weeks and the front entrance will not be available during that time. You will continue to be able to enter the church by any of the four side doors.

Thank you for your patience during the construction process!

Celebrating Mary Lee Cirella!

Celebrating Mary Lee Cirella!

Last Sunday we celebrated Mary Lee Cirella, our St. Paul Music Director and Organist for over 30 years!

After the 9:00am Mass a large crowd of friends, family, and parishioners old and new joined Fr. Jim and the St. Paul Choir in the Parish Hall to congratulate Mary Lee on her considerable legacy of Music Ministry to St. Paul Parish and to wish her well!

Please visit the Collaborative Photo Albums page for more photos from this wonderful event!

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

It is with great joy we introduce our new Collaborative Director of Music Ministries, William Endicott. William has been serving as Music Director and Organist of Holy Name Parish in West Roxbury and the Director of Music and Conductor of the Harvard Catholic Center. He holds three music degrees including Bachelor of Voice Performance, Master of Music in Choral Conducting and Master of Sacred Music in Organ Performance…

William will begin his new role on the weekend of July 6-7. Please join us in warmly welcoming him…

In Case You Missed It: Inaugural Bell Ringing at St. Paul!

In Case You Missed It: Inaugural Bell Ringing at St. Paul!

On May 18 following the 4:00pm Mass we were overjoyed to hear the beautiful sound of the St. Paul Church bell ringing once again, after so many years of silence! 

Here’s a quick video of the celebration in case you missed it –

A formal dedication, recognition, and blessing will take place this fall (stay tuned – more info to come!) but we couldn’t let the bell remain silent until then!

Saturday, May 18: An Inaugural “Ringing of the Bell” at St. Paul Church!

Saturday, May 18: An Inaugural “Ringing of the Bell” at St. Paul Church!

We are overjoyed to let you know that, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our parishioners, the final touches have been put on the restoration of the bell and tower at St. Paul Church! The replacement of the bell’s electronic ringing mechanism – the final phase of this long project – was just completed, and the bell is ready to ring again! A formal dedication, recognition, and blessing will take place this fall (stay tuned – more info to come!), but we can’t let the bell remain silent until then!

Please join us on Saturday, May 18 for the inaugural bell-ringing at the conclusion of the 4:00pm Vigil Mass, and an informal celebration on the lawn at St. Paul Church!

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Each year in the Spring, all staff and volunteers age 18 and older (including Eucharistic ministers and lectors, choir members and musicians, members of councils and commissions, ushers and counters, other Mass volunteers, etc.) must complete an annual Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) background screening (except for Religious Education and Youth Ministry volunteers who complete their screening in the early Fall), as mandated by civil and Archdiocese of Boston authorities…