Annual “Coats for Kids and Families” Collection – November 12-13

Annual “Coats for Kids and Families” Collection – November 12-13

We will once again be collecting gently-used and new winter coat donations for children and adults at the St. John’s Rectory Garage on the weekend of November 12 -13.

What to Donate:

All winter coats – kids, adults and babies – that are warm winter coats in good, wearable condition. Please donate coats you would give a friend to wear. Do not donate coats that have rips/tears, broken zippers and/or permanent stains and please be sure to empty out all pockets.

St. John Christmas Wish 2022

St. John Christmas Wish 2022

We are happy to extend an invitation to participate in this year’s St. John Christmas Wish Program. The Christmas Wish Program has been one of the highlights of St. John’s holiday outreach since 1993. This Christmas, we hope to grant the special wishes for more than 400 children based upon the caring generosity of our parish community. Each child is provided with a new outfit of clothing and a special Christmas Wish gift they have requested. These gifts will go to the youngsters in our own parishes, as well as in our sister parishes of St. Katherine Drexel in Roxbury, St. Patrick in Lowell, St. Patrick in Brockton and the Julie Family Learning Program in Boston. 

If you are able to help make Christmas Wishes come true this year, please visit our Christmas Wish SignUp page to sign-up to sponsor a child/family…

St. Paul Giving Tree 2022

St. Paul Giving Tree 2022

St. Paul Giving Tree is an Advent tradition spreading Christmas cheer from our parish to hundreds of people through several local organizations.  Each year recipients express their deepest appreciation for the generosity of our parishioners. 

The annual Giving Tree Program will officially begin on the weekend of November 12th-13th!  As we did last year, we will have two boards in the St. Paul Sanctuary with tag requests.  Once the trees are put up over Thanksgiving weekend, the tags will be transferred to the trees.  The tags will be on the boards and trees through December 4th.  All gifts must be returned to St. Paul by Sunday, December 11th…

Toiletries Drive for St. Francis House – Weekend of October 22-23

Toiletries Drive for St. Francis House – Weekend of October 22-23

A collection of small sizes of personal care items (such as shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream, lotion, etc.) for guests of St. Francis House will take place the weekend of October 22-23. 

Complimentary hotel items are totally acceptable – so check your closets!

Items may be dropped off in the boxes that will be available at the back of both churches. Thank you for your support!

Join the St. John “Christmas Wish” Team!

Join the St. John “Christmas Wish” Team!

The Christmas Wish program, which brings the joy of Christmas to hundreds of children and families in need, has been a highlight of St. John’s outreach efforts since 1993. During the Christmas season, the program fulfills a special gift request for the more than 400 children in the program, and provides gift cards for their families to purchase clothing and other necessities…

We want to thank Deirdre O’Kelly Lynch for her outstanding direction of this program for the past several years, and we look forward to its continued success under the leadership of Chrissy Cassa.

We are looking for volunteers for the Christmas Wish Leadership Team – if you want to work with a great team and be a part of this important project, please contact Mary Campion for more details. Work begins in October and wraps up in December.

A New Video from Our Friends at NPH!

A New Video from Our Friends at NPH!

Our friends at NPH USA have created a new video highlighting their work – check it out below!


Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) means “Our Little Brothers and Sisters” in Spanish. NPH USA transforms the lives of vulnerable children in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. Together, we help children overcome poverty and become productive, caring leaders in their own communities. Founded in 1954 by Father William Wasson, NPH is supporting nearly 7,000 children…

Thank You From Our SVdP Conference!

Thank You From Our SVdP Conference!

Our St. John-St. Paul Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank everyone who joined us in celebrating the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul!

Thank you to those who participated in our retreat, those who walked with us from St. Paul Church to St. John Church, those who joined us for the BBQ at St. John, and all those who made generous donations to support the work of our Conference!

We would also like to thank the following businesses who made donations to support our Walk and BBQ Luncheon…

POWIR Update: Seeking IT Professional

POWIR Update: Seeking IT Professional

The POWIR group is seeking an IT professional as a volunteer tutor for one of the young men we are helping to resettle here in MA. He has a college degree from Afghanistan and is a hard worker. He is working on a Google Professional Certificate in IT Support and could use some assistance with this course.

Google has partnered with the National Association of State Workforce Agencies to distribute 30,000 scholarships among its member organizations. Upon completion, he will be well prepared for a competitively paid job as a Computer Support Specialist, IT Manager, Help Desk Technician, or Network Administrator, and will be able to directly apply for jobs with Google and over 150 U.S. employers.

The course is online at the student’s own pace so your time commitment is flexible. Students are expected to complete the certificate within six months, and he is on track to finish in January, but the material is becoming more challenging…

This Weekend’s Events Celebrating the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul

This Weekend’s Events Celebrating the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul

Over the past few weeks, we’ve shared the history and mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We’ve also shared the history of our SJSP Conference and told you about the work we’ve done to help our friends in need here in our local community, made possible by your generous donations. 

The Second Collection at all Masses this weekend will support the on-going work of the SJSP Collaborative Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you for helping us to help the many friends in need in our community through your generous donations.

All parishioners are invited to participate in this weekend’s Community Walk and Welcome Back Luncheon events, sponsored by our SVdP Conference…

Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees – National Migration Week 2022

Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees – National Migration Week 2022

For nearly a half century, the Catholic Church in the United States has celebrated National Migration Week, which is an opportunity for the Church to reflect on the circumstances confronting migrants, including immigrants, refugees, children, and victims and survivors of human trafficking. Commenting on the place of migrants in God’s plan, Pope Francis emphasizes that “the Kingdom of God is to be built with them, for without them it would not be the Kingdom that God wants. The inclusion of those most vulnerable is the necessary condition for full citizenship in God’s Kingdom.”

Let us take some time to reflect on how we can better welcome, protect, promote, and integrate migrants living in our midst. More information about can be found…