Helping a Family from Afghanistan   

Helping a Family from Afghanistan   

We are pleased to announce that our Collaborative Service Commission and POWIR committee have decided to sponsor a refugee family from Afghanistan. Once again, we will be partnering with Catholic Charities in this effort. This year Catholic Charities is collaborating with the Jewish Community Relations Council. Our brothers and sisters at Temple Beth Elohim of Wellesley will also be sponsoring a family and we are looking for creative ways to work together!

Our POWIR co-chairs Barbara Viechnicki and Barbara Weidlich will be looking for as much engagement as possible from parishioners. We implore you to lend a hand. We need your help for this important act of mercy.

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Do you feel a desire to be trained as a Eucharistic Minister? 
Do you feel a prompting to proclaim the Word of God as a Lector at Mass? 
Are you called to comfort the grieving by serving at the Altar for funeral Masses?
Do you want to steward financial offerings by gathering the collection? 
Have you been waiting for a specific call to serve?


August 21-22: Collection of Non-Perishable Items for the New “Free Mini Pantry” in Natick

August 21-22: Collection of Non-Perishable Items for the New “Free Mini Pantry” in Natick

Are you looking for a way to help fight food insecurity in the local area? The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative will be holding a collection of non-perishable food and personal items for the recently established “Mini-Free Pantry” in Natick this weekend, August 21-22.  Please consider supporting this effort by donating unexpired, non-perishable items to the collection bins at either church. At St. Paul the collection bins will be in the foyer of the main doors of the church and at St. John the bins will be at the Glen Road entrance.

Most needed items include: peanut butter, canned fruit, personal care items, diapers and wipes. Thank you!

The St. John-St. Paul Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

The St. John-St. Paul Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Vincent de Paul, a great man of action was also a contemplative. His contemplation of God’s love overflowed into practical love for the poor. Please say a special prayer for the poor and forgotten, as you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box. There are donation boxes in support of the St. John – St. Paul Society of Saint Vincent de Paul located in the foyer of each church. Please help us help those in need. Have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?

Our Lenten Gift Story Week 2: The Rwamuhinda Family

Our Lenten Gift Story Week 2: The Rwamuhinda Family

Almost exactly one year ago, we were overjoyed to learn that we would soon be welcoming the Rwamuhinda family from a refugee camp in Rwanda, where they had spent the last 13 years after fleeing the Democratic Republic of Congo. Our POWIR team immediately sprang into action to organize lists of what the family would need upon arrival – everything from furniture to clothes to kitchen items – and presented the needs at that weekend’s Masses. By the last Mass on Sunday, every item on the list was spoken for thanks to the generosity of our wonderful faith community. Emile and Rosine and five of their children landed at Logan Airport on March 18, 2020 on one of the last arriving flights before international travel was halted…