This Weekend, June 29-30: Special Second Collection for Brazil

This Weekend, June 29-30: Special Second Collection for Brazil

As you may know, the people of Brazil are experiencing the impacts of unprecedented floods which are causing enormous suffering, loss of life and the displacement of more than 600,000 people from their homes.

Cardinal Seán is asking the parishes of the the Archdiocese to once again step forward with a special collection to help our brothers and sisters in need in Brazil. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) works with Caritas Brazil, an agency of the Church in Brazil, and is assisting with the needs in Brazil today and will receive funds collected during this time…

June 29-30: Special Second Collection for Brazil

June 29-30: Special Second Collection for Brazil

As you may know, the people of Brazil are experiencing the impacts of unprecedented floods which are causing enormous suffering, loss of life and the displacement of more than 600,000 people from their homes. Our Brazilian brothers and sisters here in Boston are deeply concerned about their relatives, friends, and other citizens in Brazil.

In response to the floods in Brazil, Cardinal Seán is asking the parishes of the the Archdiocese to once again step forward with a special collection in May or June to help our brothers and sisters in need in Brazil. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) works with Caritas Brazil, an agency of the Church in Brazil, and is assisting with the needs in Brazil today and will receive funds collected during this time…

This Weekend, March 2-3: Launch of the 2024 Catholic Appeal – “Forward in Faith”

This Weekend, March 2-3: Launch of the 2024 Catholic Appeal – “Forward in Faith”

This weekend, March 2-3, the 2024 Catholic Appeal will officially launch here in our parishes and across the Archdiocese. One of the most meaningful ways that we witness the presence of Christ and deepen the impact of our Church’s ministries is by supporting the Catholic Appeal.

As your pastor, I invite you to prayerfully consider extending your generosity to this year’s appeal. Many of you have already done so and I am deeply grateful. When our parishes reach their financial targets and participation goals, a portion of the additional funds received will be returned to us for use in our parishes.

March 2-3: Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Appeal for 2024 – Forward in Faith

March 2-3: Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Appeal for 2024 – Forward in Faith

Once a year, Catholics throughout the Archdiocese are asked to partner with one another to support their parish and the many outreach ministries by contributing to the Catholic Appeal. Many of you received a letter from Cardinal Seán requesting your early support of the 2024 Appeal, and I know that many of our parishioners have already responded – for that, I am deeply grateful.

On the weekend of March 2-3, the 2024 Catholic Appeal will officially launch across the Archdiocese. One of the most meaningful ways that we witness the presence of Christ and deepen the impact of our Church’s ministries is by supporting the Catholic Appeal. As your pastor, I strongly encourage you to join me in giving a gift to this year’s appeal…

Announcement Regarding Lowering Age of Confirmation

Announcement Regarding Lowering Age of Confirmation

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops sets the ordinary age of Confirmation between the age of discretion (around age eight) and about sixteen years of age, as determined by the local bishop. In the Archdiocese of Boston, the ordinary age has been Grade 10. Recently, the Archdiocese of Boston announced that Cardinal Seán has approved a proposal that will lower the ordinary age of Confirmation within the Archdiocese of Boston from Grade 10 to Grade 8, to be implemented over the next 2-3 years.

Why is this change being made? For some time, the Archdiocese has been involved in an extensive consultation on a question of great importance: how to strengthen the participation of young people and their families in the life of faith in Jesus Christ lived out in our parishes, schools, and communities…

Cardinal O’Malley Statement on Fiducia Supplicans

Cardinal O’Malley Statement on Fiducia Supplicans

Following is the Cardinal’s statement on “Fiducia Supplicans,” issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on December 18, 2023 and approved by Pope Francis.

“We thank the Holy Father for his love and care of all the people in the flock. We caution and make clear that the Holy Father has not endorsed gay marriage, but has recognized all Catholics, including those whose unions are not recognized by the Church, as equally in need of God’s grace and love.

It is the Church’s mission to share God’s blessings…

Archdiocese of Boston Cheverus Awards 2023

Archdiocese of Boston Cheverus Awards 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Kelly Meraw, Director of Pastoral Care for our Collaborative, was awarded the Cardinal’s Cheverus Award  medal this past weekend. These medals are conferred upon selected laypeople, religious, and deacons from around the Archdiocese each year at a prayer service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.

The medal recipients are chosen for their service to the Church and God’s people. We know you join us in extending heartfelt thanks to Kelly for her dedicated service to the Church and for the many ways she ministers to the people of our Collaborative and beyond.

Mass of Remembrance and Healing for Pregnancy & Infant Loss

Mass of Remembrance and Healing for Pregnancy & Infant Loss

The Pro-Life Office and Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston will sponsor a Mass of Remembrance and Healing for Pregnancy and Infant Loss on Wednesday, November 15 at 7:00pm at Bethany Chapel in the Pastoral Center in Braintree. Celebrant and homilist will be Rev. J. Bryan Hehir. A light reception and opportunity for Sacramental Reconciliation (Confession) will also be available after Mass.

A special invitation is extended to parents, grandparents and siblings who grieve the death of children as a result of miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or early infant death. These losses may be recent or extend over many years…

“Welcoming the Stranger” – Our Collaborative Response

“Welcoming the Stranger” – Our Collaborative Response

Cardinal Seán O’Malley has alerted every parish in the Diocese regarding our readiness to assist in an ever-expanding immigration crisis beyond the state’s capacity to respond effectively.

To help make it easier for our parishioners to participate in responding to this critical need, our Collaborative Service Commission has set up “Welcoming the Stranger” donation lines in both churches. Attached to the lines are individual cards listing specific items of clothing, toiletries, and personal care needs. 

At Mass this weekend, please pick out and take cards for as many items as you’d like to contribute – the cards serve as a reminder of your commitment to welcoming the stranger. If you miss the chance to pick out specific cards this weekend, know that all items listed below will be welcomed…