God bless you, and keep you, and walk beside you, at Thanksgiving. . . . and always.

This year, our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at St. Paul Church – all are invited to join together in thanksgiving for our many blessings. (The Mass will be livestreamed for those who may be traveling – please click the St. Paul Livestream link.) Please consider sharing your blessings by bringing non-perishable items for the Bristol Lodge Food Pantry.  Suggested donations include: snacks for kids, pasta and sauce, tuna, peanut butter, rice, cooking oil, flour, sugar, spices, granola bars, coffee, tea, can openers, diapers, toiletries, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, paper products.

Donations may be placed in the narthex as you come in to Mass – look for the Bristol Lodge Food Pantry signs. If you are away for Thanksgiving, donations can be dropped at both churches through Monday, November 27.

Please Note: This will be the only daily Mass on Thanksgiving Day – there will be no 7:00am Mass at St. John.


Our Thanksgiving Day Mass – Thursday, November 23 at 9:00am at St. Paul Church