Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants, Part II

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants, Part II

This is the second installment in our series featuring our guest celebrants to help you learn a little bit about them and put faces with names!

Fr. Borja Miró Madariaga S.J.
Fr. Borja was ordained to the priesthood this past June in Spain. Born in Bilbao, Spain to a Catholic family, Fr. Borja joined the Society of Jesus in September 2012, and is currently at Boston College studying Moral Theology. In an interview prior to his ordination, Fr. Borja was asked what a 21st century priesthood should be like (translated from the Spanish):

“For me the priesthood is the way that the Lord has chosen for me as a servant of his people. No more no less… to bring the people closer to God through the ministry of the word, the spiritual exercises and the sacraments…

Update On Our Live Stream Schedule

Update On Our Live Stream Schedule

Since early 2021, when the equipment was installed in both parishes in response to the pandemic, we have livestreamed all regularly scheduled weekday and weekend Masses in the Collaborative. Now that we are returning to a more “normal” routine, and in an effort to conserve resources, beginning this weekend, September 24-25, we will stream two weekend Masses live (with recordings available to watch later on our YouTube channel) for those who are ill or homebound:

5:00pm Vigil Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church
11:00am Sunday Mass from St. Paul Church

We will continue to live stream First Communions, Confirmations, and other special liturgies for family and friends who cannot attend in person. Funerals, weddings, and baptisms may also be livestreamed if the family so chooses…

Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees – National Migration Week 2022

Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees – National Migration Week 2022

For nearly a half century, the Catholic Church in the United States has celebrated National Migration Week, which is an opportunity for the Church to reflect on the circumstances confronting migrants, including immigrants, refugees, children, and victims and survivors of human trafficking. Commenting on the place of migrants in God’s plan, Pope Francis emphasizes that “the Kingdom of God is to be built with them, for without them it would not be the Kingdom that God wants. The inclusion of those most vulnerable is the necessary condition for full citizenship in God’s Kingdom.”

Let us take some time to reflect on how we can better welcome, protect, promote, and integrate migrants living in our midst. More information about can be found…

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants

As you well know, we have been blessed here at the Collaborative by the outpouring of support for Fr. Jim from his brother priests. Since June, we have been celebrating Mass with guest celebrants from nearby parishes as well as with priests from the Jesuit Community at Boston College. We are going to be featuring our guest celebrants in the bulletin in the coming weeks to help you learn a little bit about them and put faces with names!

Fr. Brett O’Neill, S.J.
Fr. O’Neill is a recently-ordained Australian Jesuit studying at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. Before entering the Society of Jesus in 2014, Fr. O’Neill worked in public policy with the Australian Government. As a Jesuit he has worked in policy advocacy with Jesuit Social Services…

September 17-18: Second Collection for the Clergy Trust

September 17-18: Second Collection for the Clergy Trust

For priests, bringing the presence of Christ to others is a daily calling that extends far beyond the walls of the Church, and impacts the lives of people of all faiths and backgrounds throughout the entire community. There are countless examples of priests in the Archdiocese of Boston working tirelessly and selflessly to make the world a better place for all of us. Our priests don’t just enrich the lives of Catholics in parishes, they enrich the lives of everyone in all communities.

It’s simple: healthier priests mean stronger communities. 

You can help by contributing to the Clergy Trust special collection at all Masses on the weekend of September 17-18…

August 22: A Message from Fr. Jim!

August 22: A Message from Fr. Jim!

I hope that you are enjoying these last beautiful weeks of summer! It seems hard to believe that it has now been twelve weeks since the accident that upended my life – and by extension, life here at the Collaborative. I am progressing well in my physical therapy, and am so happy to be back in my home environment. I am now able to walk short distances with a forearm crutch – a big step forward from wheelchairs and walkers! As I continue to get stronger you may see me walking about the property or around town as part of my therapy and healing process. After so many weeks confined to hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and then the rectory, I am still getting used to being able to go outside – but I am thoroughly enjoying it!

The other part of my recovery is working through the invisible effects that impact anyone who has been through a traumatic, life-threatening accident…

Save the Date! Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul

Save the Date! Celebrating the Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul

The SJSP St. Vincent de Paul Conference will be celebrating Saint Vincent de Paul’s Feast Day the weekend of September 24-25, 2022. Please follow notices here on the website and in the bulletin over the next several weeks to learn more about his life, the work we do guided by his vision of service to God through service to the poor in our community, and the details about our celebrations of our community.  

On Sunday, September 25, we will culminate the festivities with a “community walk.” All parishioners are invited to join us as we walk from St. Paul Church to St. John the Evangelist Church after the 11:00am Mass at St. Paul.

Following the walk, we will welcome all parishioners back for the fall season with a barbecue lunch in the Saint John School parking lot after the 12:00pm Mass at St. John.


Attention Current (and Future!) Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

Attention Current (and Future!) Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

We are pleased to announce an exciting development in the way we organize the ministries of the Mass – a return to parish volunteers coordinating the schedules (the norm before the many disruptions caused by the pandemic!)  Dorene Christie will be coordinating the schedule of Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors for St. John, and Anne Cremonini and Leah Cinelli will be scheduling for St. Paul. You will be getting an email from them shortly since September – and the new schedule – are just around the corner!

On behalf of you, the parishioners, we thank our new coordinators for their service and look forward to lots of active participation in our vibrant liturgies! Mary Campion ( will continue to be the staff liaison so if you would like to be part of ministry at Mass, please contact Mary, Dorene, Anne or Leah…

Want to Learn More About the Catholic Faith?

Want to Learn More About the Catholic Faith?

Have you been worshiping with us, but never officially taken the step to become Catholic?

Have you been away from the Church, and have now returned, but want to know more?

Have you been a Catholic all your life, but haven’t celebrated all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)?

Have you joined us from a different faith background and would like to find out more about the Catholic Church?

We’d love to hear from you!

Fr. Jim Update – A Big Step Forward!

Fr. Jim Update – A Big Step Forward!

We are happy to let you know that after 7 long weeks, Fr. Jim has been cleared to continue his recovery and rehabilitation on an outpatient basis at the rectory.

As you can imagine, it is a great relief for Fr. Jim to finally be back home. It will still be quite some time before he will be able to resume his ministry, but this is a big step forward in his recovery.

Fr. Jim wanted us to share, again, how grateful he is for your prayers and support, and how much he appreciates the time and space you have given him to focus on his recovery.

We are sure that many of you will want to know how you can help Fr. Jim now. He asks only for your continued prayers, which have sustained him through this incredibly difficult time, and your patience as he transitions to this new phase of his recovery.

Please be assured that when Fr. Jim has more to share, we will share it with you!