On the first Sunday of each month, items are collected for the Wellesley Food Pantry at St. Paul Church.

NEW!  We are currently collecting SOUP for the Wellesley Food Pantry.

All soups are appreciated, but the pantry is specifically in need of the following:

Beef   *   Vegetable   *   Lentil   *   Tomato    *   All Chowders

Your donations may be left in the bins at the front entrance of the church.

We will be working with the Food Pantry to focus our collection on the Pantry’s most pressing needs. At some times of the year it may be soup, at others times it may be laundry detergent or canned fruit – watch the bulletin and website for updates!

 The Wellesley Food Pantry is very appreciative of the St. Paul Parish for their consistent support. 

Can You Help?  

In addition to donations, we are looking for a few parishioners who might be willing to help transport donations to the Wellesley Food Pantry occasionally.  If you are interested, please contact Jenni Colone at jennifercolone@gmail.com. THANK YOU!


Wellesley Food Pantry Collection at St. Paul Church – Soup!