An Important Message from Archbishop Henning about the Catholic Appeal

An Important Message from Archbishop Henning about the Catholic Appeal

Please take a moment (it’s only 90 seconds long!) to view this important message from Archbishop Richard Henning about the Catholic Appeal – 

The Appeal is a primary means by which we enfold our brothers and sisters into Christ’s circle of care.  On behalf of Archbishop Henning and all who benefit from your generosity, thank you. 

To make an on-line donation or to learn more about the impact your donation will have, visit…

Family Bingo Night! Thursday, February 27 at 6:00pm at St. Paul Parish Hall

Family Bingo Night! Thursday, February 27 at 6:00pm at St. Paul Parish Hall

Fun for all ages! (Children must be accompanied by an adult.)  We will have prizes for all different age groups, including adults!  Snacks will be provided, however, voluntary donations are encouraged and all proceeds will be donated to Boston Children’s Hospital. 

This event is being hosted by our Collaborative Religious Education students who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this spring. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is “sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit” and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Participating in Christian service during their preparation helps to foster an understanding of the centrality of service in the Christian life…

A Fun-Filled Evening at the Annual Father-Daughter Dance

A Fun-Filled Evening at the Annual Father-Daughter Dance

This year’s annual Father-Daughter Dance was held on Friday, February in a beautifully decorated St. Paul Parish Hall with a packed-house of dads, daughters, and special friends.  The DJ kept the party going with great music and fun games and prizes, and great time was had by all!

This annual event is organized and run by dads – a big thank you to Russ Morton and friends for making this year’s event a huge success! 

Saturday, March 29, 2025: “Care for Creation” Featured at Archdiocese of Boston Social Justice Convocation

Saturday, March 29, 2025: “Care for Creation” Featured at Archdiocese of Boston Social Justice Convocation

Embark on a transformative journey as we usher in the Jubilee year of Hope with a day dedicated to the urgently needed Care for Creation, as inspired by Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’. This convocation promises to be both inspiring and thought-provoking, featuring:

* Mass celebrated by Archbishop Richard Henning
* Keynote address by Andrea Vicini, S.J., Chair of the Boston College Theology Department
* An engaging moderated discussion with three diverse panelists
* Workshops on pressing issues and actions

To register…

In Case You Missed It: Watch “Hope in the Age of Isolation”
A Discussion with Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ and Br. Matt Wooters, SJ from Ignatian Young Adult Ministries

<i>In Case You Missed It</i>: Watch “Hope in the Age of Isolation”<br>A Discussion with Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ and Br. Matt Wooters, SJ from Ignatian Young Adult Ministries

Using the Ignatian concept of cura personalis (care of the whole person) as a starting point, Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ, and Br. Matt Wooters, SJ, explore more deeply what it means to put hope, joy and community at the heart of all we do.

In a world where we are often isolated, is it possible to put community at the center of our lives? How can we form communities of hope and joy?

Watch the video from Ignatian Young Adult Ministries below…

Catholic Charities Boston Seeks Playspace Volunteers

Catholic Charities Boston Seeks Playspace Volunteers

Catholic Charities Inn, a Safety-Net Shelter run by Catholic Charities Boston, is looking for volunteers to watch children while their caregiver(s) are in an onsite English as a Second/Other Language (ESOL) and Workforce Development class.

Children and volunteers will be in the shelter playroom, which is stocked with toys and activities. Volunteers are expected to supervise the children; keep them safe; and engage in play, reading, and other activities with them. Shelter staff are onsite for support as needed. Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays from 10am-1pm and on Thursdays from 10am-12pm. We welcome people to volunteer for one or both shifts.

If interested…

Young Adult Ministry: Valentine’s Day Cookie Swap

Young Adult Ministry: Valentine’s Day Cookie Swap

Love was in the air as young adults from the Collaborative gathered for a Valentine’s Day Cookie Swap on Saturday, February 8th. The group shared homemade cookies and everyone left with an assortment of sweet treats!

Before going to the 5PM Vigil Mass at St. John, participants shared about people (and pets!) who exemplify God’s love in their lives and then they made Valentine cards to let their loved ones know how much they care!

Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Bishops of the United States of America

Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Bishops of the United States of America

Dear Brothers in the Episcopate,

I am writing today to address a few words to you in these delicate moments that you are living as Pastors of the People of God who walk together in the United States of America.

1. The journey from slavery to freedom that the People of Israel traveled, as narrated in the Book of Exodus, invites us to look at the reality of our time, so clearly marked by the phenomenon of migration, as a decisive moment in history to reaffirm not only our faith in a God who is always close, incarnate, migrant and refugee, but also the infinite and transcendent dignity of every human person…

Our Saint John School Confirmation Cohort: Integrating the Corporal Works of Mercy into Christian Service

Our Saint John School Confirmation Cohort: Integrating the Corporal Works of Mercy into Christian Service

Last Sunday night, the Saint John School Confirmation Cohort (a group of SJS graduates preparing together to receive the sacrament of Confirmation this spring) was joined by Brother Anthony Zuba OFM and Amanda Grant Rose of the Capuchin Mobile Ministries.  Brother Anthony shared his own call to vocation in the Franciscan order and its solidarity with those who are most vulnerable in our communities. 

As our SJS Grads continue to learn about the fullness of their reception as Catholic Christians into the Church, the group is discovering ways to integrate The Corporal Works of Mercy into their Christian service. Assisted by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the students imagined ways in which they might live out Catholic Social Teaching…