Even when physically distant, we can continue to be close spiritually –
with God, with our parishes, and with each other.


Many of our Masses can be watched live on our St. John Live Stream and St. Paul Live Stream pages, as well as on our  YouTube Channel

Links to the recordings of most publicly streamed Masses, funerals, and other special liturgies can be found on our YouTube ChannelSelect recordings can be found below.

2024 Christmas Masses

4:00pm Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church with the Collaborative Youth Music Group

4:00pm Mass from St. Paul Church with the Collaborative Children’s Choir

8:00pm Mass from St. Paul Church with the St. Paul Choir

10:00pm Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church with the St. John Choir

10:30am Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church with the St. John Choir

11:00am Mass from St. Paul Church with the St. Paul Choir

December 15, 2024: Confirmation Enrollment Mass


December 15, 2024: 9:00am Family Mass and Grade 1 Christmas Pageant


December 8, 2024: A Service of Lessons and Carols
November 12, 2024 “Evening for Women” Program: Speaking of God with Julian of Norwich with Anne Mears


2024 Holy Week 

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper from St. Paul Church

Good Friday Passion of the Lord from St. Paul Church

Good Friday Passion of the Lord from St. John the Evangelist Church

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil from St. John the Evangelist Church

Easter Sunday 9:00am Family Mass from St. Paul Church 

Easter Sunday 9:00am Family Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church 

Easter Sunday 11:00am Mass from St. Paul Church 

Easter Sunday 12:00pm Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church

Fr. Hehir’s Easter Homily 


January 25, 2024 Advent Lecture: Two Wars: One Moral Framework with Fr. Bryan Hehir


June 14, 2023  Saint John School Closing Mass and Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony


May 13, 2023: First Communion at St. Paul Church


May 6, 2023: St. John the Evangelist Parish First Communion
May 6, 2023: Saint John School First Communion


April 24, 2023: St. John Confirmation 
April 30, 2023: St. Paul Confirmation 
2023 Triduum and Easter

Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper from St. John the Evangelist Church

Good Friday Passion from St. Paul Church

Good Friday Passion from St. John the Evangelist Church

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil from St. Paul Church

9:00am Easter Family Mass from St. Paul Church 

9:00am Easter Family Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church 

11:00am Easter Mass from St. Paul Church 

12:00pm Easter Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church


March 29, 2023: Taizé Prayer Service
Monday,  March 27, 2023: Lenten Lecture – Ukraine: War, Morality, and Religion with Fr. Bryan Hehir


November 24, 2022 – 2022 Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass with Fr. Jim Laughlin


June 29, 2022: 9:00am Weekday Mass with Bishop Robert Reed


May 19, 2022: Saint John School Spring Concert


April 17: 2022: Easter Sunday

9:00am Family Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church

9:00am Family Mass from St. Paul Church

11:00am Mass from St. Paul Church

12:00pm Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church


April 16, 2022: Holy Saturday

Easter Vigil from St. John the Evangelist Church


April 15, 2022: Good Friday

3:00 Celebration of the Lord’s Passion from St. Paul Church

7:30pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion from St. John the Evangelist Church


April 14, 2022: Holy Thursday

Mass of the Lord’s Supper from St. Paul Church


April 10, 2022: Palm Sunday

9:00am Family Mass and Passion Play from St. Paul Church


April 7, 2022: “Let Us Dream” Lenten Lecture Series – “Let Us Dream Part Three: A Time to Act” with Fr. Bryan Hehir


April 4, 2022: Saint John School Mass and Chapel Talks
March 24, 2022: “Let Us Dream” Lenten Lecture Series – “Part Two: A Time To See” with Kelly Meraw


March 16, 2022: “Stories from the Shadows – Author Night with Dr. James O’Connell, President of Boston Health Care for the Homeless


March 10, 2022: “Let Us Dream” Lenten Lecture Series – “Part One: A Time to See” with Sr. Evelyn Ronan


March 2, 2022: Ash Wednesday

9:00am Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church – with Saint John School

Saint John School Grade 6 “Chapel Talks” following Mass


February 1, 2022: Saint John School Liturgy and Grade 6 Chapel Talks


December 25, 2021: The Nativity of the Lord

4:00pm Mass on the Eve of Christmas from St. John the Evangelist Church

10:00pm Mass on the Eve of Christmas from St. John the Evangelist Church

10:30am Mass on Christmas Day from St. John the Evangelist Church

11:00am Mass on Christmas Day from St. Paul Church


December 5, 2021: St. Paul Christmas Pops Concert


November 25, 2021: 9:00am Collaborative Mass for Thanksgiving from St. Paul Church


November 10, 2021: Mini-Retreat for Lectors


November 3, 2021: Mini-Retreat for Eucharistic Ministers


October 3, 2021: 4:00pm Vigil Mass from St. Paul Church (Veterans Memorial Mass)


August 26, 2021: Discerning Deacons Conversation at St. John the Evangelist Parish


May 22, 2021: First Communions at St. Paul Church 

9:00am First Communion Mass

11:00am First Communion Mass


May 18, 2021: Evening for Women – Closing Mass


May 17, 2021: SJS May Crowning Liturgy from St. John the Evangelist Church


May 15, 2021: First Communions at St. John the Evangelist Church 

9:00am First Communion Mass

11:00am First Communion Mass


May 8, 2021:  First Communions at St. Paul Church 

9:00am First Communion Mass

11:00am First Communion Mass


May 1, 2021: First Communions at St. John the Evangelist Church 

9:00am First Communion Mass

11:00am First Communion Mass


April 15, 2021: Thursday Confirmation Liturgies

3:00pm Confirmation Liturgy
4:30pm Confirmation Liturgy
6:00pm Confirmation Liturgy


April 14, 2021: Wednesday Confirmation Liturgies

3:00pm Confirmation Liturgy
4:30pm Confirmation Liturgy
6:00pm Confirmation Liturgy


April 4, 2021: Easter Sunday

12:00pm Easter Sunday Mass from St. Paul Church

11:00am Easter Sunday Mass from St. John Church

11:00am Easter Sunday Mass from St. Paul Church

9:00am Easter Sunday Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church

9:00am Easter Sunday Mass from St. Paul Church


April 2021: Holy Week

Easter Vigil from St. Paul Church

Good Friday Passion from St. John the Evangelist Church

Good Friday Passion from St. Paul Church

Good Friday Stations of the Cross from St. John the Evangelist Church

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper from St. Paul Church

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper from St. John the Evangelist Church


March 21: The Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 14: The Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 7: The Third Sunday of Lent
February 28: The Second Sunday of Lent
February 21: The First Sunday of Lent
February 17: Ash Wednesday
February 14: The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 7: The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31: The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 24: The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 17: The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 10: The Baptism of the Lord
January 3: The Epiphany of the Lord
January 1: The Solemnity of Mary Mother of God
December 26: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
December 24-25: The Nativity of the Lord
December 20: Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 18: Our Virtual Service of Lessons and Carols
December 13: Third Sunday of Advent
December 6: Second Sunday of Advent
November 29: First Sunday of Advent
Collaborative Mass for Thanksgiving Day
November 22: Mass for the Solemnity of Christ the King
November 15: Mass for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 8: Mass for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 1: Mass for the Solemnity of All Saints
October 25: Mass for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 18: Mass for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 11: Mass for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 4: Mass for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 27: Mass for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 20: Mass for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 13: Mass for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 6: Mass for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30: Mass for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 23: Mass for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

This is Fr. Robert’s last Mass with us as our Parochial Vicar before he begins his new assignment as pastor of Most Precious Blood Parish in Dover and St. Theresa Parish in Sherborne on September 1.  Celebrated at St. Paul Church with Sunday 5pm Mass Music.

August 16: Mass for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 9: Mass for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 2: First Mass of Thanksgiving
August 2: Mass for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26: Mass for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 19: Mass for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 12: Mass for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5: Mass for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 28: Mass for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21: Mass for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 14: Mass for Corpus Christi Sunday
June 7: Mass for Holy Trinity Sunday
May 31: Mass for Pentecost Sunday
May 24: Mass for the 7th Sunday of Easter
May 17: Mass for the 6th Sunday of Easter
May 10: Mass for the 5th Sunday of Easter

Click here to download the worship aid for this Mass. Please note: We recommend if you are watching on your laptop that you do so with headphones or external speakers, as it will significantly improve the sound quality for your experience.

May 3: Fourth Sunday of Easter – Together in Prayer: Our Celebration of the Word with our Faith Community
April 26: Third Sunday of Easter – Together in Prayer: Our Celebration of the Word with our Faith Community
April 19: Divine Mercy Sunday – Together in Prayer: Our Celebration of the Word with our Faith Community
April 12: Easter Sunday – Together in Prayer: Our Celebration of the Word with our Faith Community
April 10: Good Friday – Stations of the Cross from St. John the Evangelist Church
April 5: Palm Sunday – Together in Prayer: Our Weekly Celebration of the Word with our Faith Community
March 29: Mass for the 5th Sunday of Lent

Click here to download a worship aid for this Mass.
To listen to an enhanced version of the audio of the Mass, click the Play button below.

March 22: Mass for the 4th Sunday of Lent

Click here to download a worship aid for this Mass.

Disclaimer: This video was recorded with just the celebrants, four musicians (who also served as lector and cantor), and a single staff member present, using only the basic equipment we had available. Next week we will have access to additional resources, which will improve the quality of the video considerably, but we did not want to let another week go by without being able to reach out to all of you through the Mass.