Thursday, November 25: Collaborative Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00am at St. Paul Church

Thursday, November 25: Collaborative Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00am at St. Paul Church

God bless you, and keep you, and walk beside you, at Thanksgiving. . . . and always.

This year, our Thanksgiving Mass for the Collaborative will be celebrated Thanksgiving morning at 9:00am at Paul Church, and will feature music from both the St. John and St. Paul music programs. Please join us – in person or on the St. Paul Livestream!

Please Note: This will be the only daily Mass of the day; there will be no 7:00am Mass at St. John on Thanksgiving.

It’s the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John’s!

It’s the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John’s!

Just a reminder that this Sunday, November 7 is the first Sunday of the month, and that means that the 9:00am Family Mass and the 5:00pm Youth Mass will be celebrated at St. John Church. 

Yes, we were at St. John last Sunday too, but that’s because October had three Sundays and we’re at St. John on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. And yes, it’s a little confusing, but luckily it doesn’t happen too often!

Saturday, October 2: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

Saturday, October 2: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

All military veterans and their families are cordially invited to attend a special Veterans Memorial Mass at St. Paul Church at 4:00pm on Saturday, October 2. Organized by the Wellesley Veterans’ Council, this annual event brings Wellesley veterans together as part of the annual Wellesley Wonderful Weekend. Veterans are invited (but not required!) to wear their uniforms. We will gather in the St. Paul foyer and process in with the celebrant to reserved seats down front.  During the Mass we will remember those veterans from Wellesley who gave their lives for our country. We salute your service to our country and look forward to seeing you at St. Paul on October 2.

New Collaborative Weekend Mass Schedule Begins the Weekend of September 11-12

New Collaborative Weekend Mass Schedule Begins the Weekend of September 11-12

Our current Summer Mass Schedule is in effect through Sunday, September 5 (Labor Day weekend.) As we look to the fall, we are mindful that the pandemic is not completely behind us and that uncertainty remains. At the same time, thanks to the formidable work of scientists and health care workers (not to mention our own vigilance!), we can begin to plan more concretely for the months ahead, and to bring back many of the things that provide a richer Mass experience for our community.

We have developed a weekend Mass schedule for the upcoming fall through spring that…

Collaborative Summer Mass Schedule Begins July 3-4

Collaborative Summer Mass Schedule Begins July 3-4

The Summer Weekend Mass Schedule for our Collaborative begins this weekend, July 3-4 and will remain in effect through Labor Day. This schedule balances the number of Masses at each parish, provides the capacity to accommodate all parishioners who wish to attend Mass in-person, and includes an outdoor Mass option for those not ready to come inside. All Masses will continue to be available to view via livestream with the exception of the Sunday 5pm Mass, which is moving outside for the summer…

Outdoor Mass is Back! Sundays at 5:00pm at St. Paul Church

Outdoor Mass is Back! Sundays at 5:00pm at St. Paul Church

Bring your lawn chairs/blankets and join us for our Sunday 5pm Outdoor Mass at St. Paul Church beginning this Sunday, June 27 and continuing through Labor Day weekend. The Sunday 5:00pm Mass will remain outdoors at St. Paul all summer, as the space there lends itself better to larger crowds.

We are excited to be able to bring back some of the music from the Sunday 5pm Youth Mass at these outdoor Masses, and to introduce you to our new Youth Music Coordinator, Christian Wilson…