Sunday, September 17 at 10:30am: Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass on the Lawn at St. Paul Church

Sunday, September 17 at 10:30am: Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass on the Lawn at St. Paul Church

Please join us on Sunday, September 17 for our first post-Covid Collaborative Outdoor Mass and fellowship event!  Putting to use everything we learned (and all the equipment we aquired!) celebrating outdoor Masses during Covid, we will gather as a Collaborative community on the expansive lawn in front of St. Paul Church for Mass – recreating what Fr. Jim calls “our own Tanglewood East!”  After Mass we’ll come together in the parking lot behind the church for fellowship, food, and fun!

Important: Weekday Mass Schedule Change!

Important: Weekday Mass Schedule Change!

Unfortunately, with the recent departure of several of our outside celebrants from Boston College, Fr. Jim is now on his own during the week. As a result, effective immediately, the weekday Mass schedule for the summer at the Collaborative will be: 

Monday and Wednesday:  9:00am St. Paul Church
Tuesday and Thursday:      7:00am St. John Church

For those looking for a daily Mass on Friday, the Weekday Mass schedules for neighboring parishes is available on the Liturgy page of our website…

Farewell Fr. Borja!

Farewell Fr. Borja!

This past weekend we bid a fond farewell to Fr. Borja Miró Madariaga S.J.   Fr. Borja has completed his studies in Moral Theology at Boston College and is returning to Spain for his new assignment teaching at a Jesuit secondary school.

Over this past year, following his ordination to the priesthood last June in Spain, Fr. Borja has celebrated weekday and Sunday Masses, baptisms, and funerals with us, and we have been infinitely blessed by his ministry…

Summer Weekend Mass Schedule Begins This Weekend, May 27-28

Summer Weekend Mass Schedule Begins This Weekend, May 27-28

During the summer, we drop to four Masses on the weekend, two at each parish. Our Saturday Vigil Mass schedule remains the same. On Sundays we offer one morning Mass at each parish – one at 9:00am and one at 11:00am – and the location of the Sunday Masses rotate each year. This summer our schedule is:

4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul Church
5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church

9:00am Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church
11:00am Mass at St. Paul Church

An Invitation to All Students Who Have Made Their First Communion! 

An Invitation to All Students Who Have Made Their First Communion! 

Would you like to be an altar server at Collaborative Masses?

 Please join us on Wednesday, May 31 at 1:30pm (early release day) at St. John or Tuesday, June 6 at 3:30pm at St. Paul for altar server training. Training will run about 45 minutes; children may be dropped off at the church or caregivers may stay for the session. Children who have trained previously but would like a “refresher” are also welcome!

Sunday, May 7 is the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John!

Sunday, May 7 is the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John!

Just a reminder that this Sunday, May 7 is the first Sunday of the month, and that means that the 9:00am Family Mass and the 5:00pm Youth Mass will be celebrated at St. John Church. 

Yes, we were at St. John last Sunday too, but that’s because April had three Sundays and we’re at St. John on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month.

And yes, it’s a little confusing, but luckily it doesn’t happen too often!