Welcome Fr. Kevin!

Welcome Fr. Kevin!

Fr. Kevin Onyeka Chukwuka of the Archdiocese of Onitsha in Nigeria will be joining us at the Collaborative this summer.

Fr. Kevin, who has served as Parish Vicar at the Cathedral Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity in Onitsha, and as Secretary to the Archbishop of Onitsha, is currently on break from his studies at the Pontifical Institute of Moral Theology, Alphonsian Academy in Rome. He will be with us in the St. Paul rectory until late September, when he returns to his studies in Rome.

We know you join us in welcoming Fr. Kevin and helping him to feel at home here at the Collaborative!

Please Pray for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia

Please Pray for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia

The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia ask for your prayer during their General Chapter 2024.  From June 21-30, nearly 200 Sister-delegates (including our own Sr. Colleen!), representing the 522 members of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia, will gather in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia for this important work. 

A General Chapter is a canonically required gathering of members of a religious institute to discern their direction for the following 5 years and to elect congregational leadership. This assembly of sisters seeks to communally discern God’s will through deep prayer around the call of the Church, the needs of society, and the spirit and mission of the Congregation…

Congratulations and Thank You, Fr. Gabriel!

Congratulations and Thank You, Fr. Gabriel!

It is with great joy that the Collaborative celebrates Fr. Gabriel Afumbom Tokoh’s successful completion of his Master degree in Leadership and Administration from Boston College!

With his graduation, Father Gabriel has received a new assignment and will be serving as Parochial Vicar at Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted in Waltham starting in July. While we will miss his daily presence with us, we are happy that he won’t be too far away!

To celebrate the gift Father Gabriel has been to our community, a reception will be held at St. Paul following the 9:00am Mass on Wednesday, June 26…

Mass at St. Paul Church with Archbishop Fuanya of Cameroon

Mass at St. Paul Church with Archbishop Fuanya of Cameroon

On Friday, June 14, we were honored to celebrate Mass with Archbishop Andrew Nkea Fuanya of the Diocese of Bamenda, Cameroon, at St. Paul Church. 

Archbishop Fuanya was in the Massachusetts to visit with Fr. Gabriel and other priests from his dioceses who are currently studying and serving here in Boston.

Following his time here, Archbishop Fuanya was off to visit with priests from his diocese who are serving and studying in dioceses around the U.S. 

Supporting Your Parish

Supporting Your Parish

With the fiscal year end of June 30 rapidly approaching, we are asking for your help. Over the past eleven months, you have answered Jesus’ call to “love your neighbor” over and over again, through your generous support of our Advent Gift for Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem, our Lenten Gift for Capuchin Mobile Ministries, our Mother’s Day collection of items for the mothers and babies supported by Pregnancy Help Boston, as well as many other Archdiocesan Second Collections throughout the year. You have also generously supported the Clergy Trust Collections which fund the healthcare costs of our beloved priests, and for all of this we are most grateful.

Now we ask you to turn your attention to supporting your parish home by increasing your contribution to the Weekly Offertory, if you are able…

Front Step Replacement at St. Paul Church

Front Step Replacement at St. Paul Church

We are pleased to let you know that the work to replace the current brick steps with new granite steps has begun.

The work is expected to take 2-3 weeks and the front entrance will not be available during that time. You will continue to be able to enter the church by any of the four side doors.

Thank you for your patience during the construction process!

Celebrating Mary Lee Cirella!

Celebrating Mary Lee Cirella!

Last Sunday we celebrated Mary Lee Cirella, our St. Paul Music Director and Organist for over 30 years!

After the 9:00am Mass a large crowd of friends, family, and parishioners old and new joined Fr. Jim and the St. Paul Choir in the Parish Hall to congratulate Mary Lee on her considerable legacy of Music Ministry to St. Paul Parish and to wish her well!

Please visit the Collaborative Photo Albums page for more photos from this wonderful event!

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Each year in the Spring, all staff and volunteers age 18 and older (including Eucharistic ministers and lectors, choir members and musicians, members of councils and commissions, ushers and counters, other Mass volunteers, etc.) must complete an annual Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) background screening (except for Religious Education and Youth Ministry volunteers who complete their screening in the early Fall), as mandated by civil and Archdiocese of Boston authorities…