Attention Young Singers and Families: Join the Christmas Youth Choir

Attention Young Singers and Families: Join the Christmas Youth Choir

Our 21st Annual Christmas Youth Choir sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, October 30: 11:15-12:15 AM. Participation is open to all St John and St. Paul parishioners in Grades 1-8.  Teens in Grade 9-12 are encouraged to participate as assistants – Community Service and Confirmation Credit hours/credit are earned. Adult Family members are invited to join our Family Mass Musician Group for Christmas Eve. Attendance at rehearsals is required.

7 Rehearsals will take place on the following Sunday mornings (rehearsals do not conflict with Sunday morning Religious Education)…

Sunday 9:00am Family Mass Music Opportunities

Sunday 9:00am Family Mass Music Opportunities

Children and adults blend voice and instruments to praise the Lord and enrich our Sunday 9:00am Family Mass with upbeat, child-friendly, hand-clapping hymns.  We rehearse each Sunday Morning at 8:30am in the church to prepare for that day’s 9:00am Mass (no need to commit to every Sunday), and we also prepare special liturgies for Grade Level Masses, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday and Easter.

All ages, Grade 1 and older, are welcome! We are always seeking new singers and instrumentalists to join our ranks. 

Our first rehearsal and Mass is Sunday, September 11 at St. Paul – rehearsal at 8:30am and Mass at 9:00am…

Attention Young Singers! Easter Youth Choir at St. John

Attention Young Singers! Easter Youth Choir at St. John

Children in grades 1-8 are invited to participate in the St. John’s Easter Youth Choir. High School Assistants are welcome and receive confirmation credit. Adult family members are invited to join as well and will sing with our Family Mass Musicians and the children on Easter Sunday. Sign up and first rehearsal is 3/13. Registration closes Sunday 3/20. 

There are 5 rehearsals: 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 and 4/10 11:15-12:15 in the St John’s lower level Chapel.  

The children will sing at the 9:00 AM Family Mass at St John’s on Easter Sunday April 17, 2022.  For more information and to register contact Maria Wardwell…

Attention Actors! Passion Play on April 10 at St. Paul

Attention Actors! Passion Play on April 10 at St. Paul

Seeking Actors/Actresses grade 2 and older to help “perform” the Passion Play at the 9:00 AM St Paul’s Family Mass Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022.  Attendance at one rehearsal Saturday April 9th from 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM in St Paul’s church is required/mandatory. 

All players will be assigned a part so advanced registration is required.

Confirmation candidates earn 5 hours of community service credit. Please contact Maria Wardwell, 781-258-7249,, for information and registration.

Sunday, February 6: First Sunday of the Month-9am Family Mass and 5pm Youth Mass are at St. John’s!

Sunday, February 6: First Sunday of the Month-9am Family Mass and 5pm Youth Mass are at St. John’s!

Just a reminder that this Sunday, February 6 is the first Sunday of the month, and that means that the 9:00am Family Mass and the 5:00pm Youth Mass will be celebrated at St. John Church. 

Yes, we were at St. John last Sunday too, but that’s because January had three Sundays and we’re at St. John on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month.

And yes, it’s a little confusing, but luckily it doesn’t happen too often!

Christmas Youth Choir

Christmas Youth Choir

We are looking forward to the return of the Christmas Youth Choir (in its 20th year) that will sing at the 4:00pm Mass at St. John on Christmas Eve.

After further consultation with medical experts, and cognizant of the recent example of our SJS students safely participating in school choir activities before the availability of vaccinations for this age group, we are modifying our protocols for the Christmas Youth Choir. While vaccinations are certainly strongly encouraged when medically appropriate, they will not be required for participation. We understand that the decision of when and whether to vaccinate in this age group is a complex one.

We have been reassured by the data, and by the medical experts we have consulted, that the mask requirement is the most important thing we can do to reduce the risks for all involved. Masks are required for all in-person rehearsals and to sing with the choir on Christmas Eve.

It’s the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John’s!

It’s the First Sunday of the Month – Family Mass and Youth Mass are at St. John’s!

Just a reminder that this Sunday, November 7 is the first Sunday of the month, and that means that the 9:00am Family Mass and the 5:00pm Youth Mass will be celebrated at St. John Church. 

Yes, we were at St. John last Sunday too, but that’s because October had three Sundays and we’re at St. John on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. And yes, it’s a little confusing, but luckily it doesn’t happen too often!

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Your Time and Talent are Needed!

Do you feel a desire to be trained as a Eucharistic Minister? 
Do you feel a prompting to proclaim the Word of God as a Lector at Mass? 
Are you called to comfort the grieving by serving at the Altar for funeral Masses?
Do you want to steward financial offerings by gathering the collection? 
Have you been waiting for a specific call to serve?


Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

We are so happy to welcome everyone back as we return from summer and begin our new Collaborative Weekend Mass Schedule! We are excited for the launch our new Collaborative 9:00am Family Mass and for the return of our Collaborative 5:00pm Youth Mass! To celebrate we’ll have outdoor Coffee and Donuts after the 9:00am Mass and Make Your Own Sundaes after the 5:00pm Mass:

Sunday, September 12th on the lawn at St. Paul

Sunday, September 19th on the lawn at St. John

Please join us!

New Collaborative Weekend Mass Schedule Begins the Weekend of September 11-12

New Collaborative Weekend Mass Schedule Begins the Weekend of September 11-12

Our current Summer Mass Schedule is in effect through Sunday, September 5 (Labor Day weekend.) As we look to the fall, we are mindful that the pandemic is not completely behind us and that uncertainty remains. At the same time, thanks to the formidable work of scientists and health care workers (not to mention our own vigilance!), we can begin to plan more concretely for the months ahead, and to bring back many of the things that provide a richer Mass experience for our community.

We have developed a weekend Mass schedule for the upcoming fall through spring that…