Catholic Women DO Preach: Making Our Voices Heard – A Book Celebration

Catholic Women DO Preach: Making Our Voices Heard – A Book Celebration

All are invited to a book celebration sponsored by Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry and FutureChurch for Catholic Women Preach: Raising Voices, Renewing the Church. This publication, edited by Elizabeth Donnelly and Russ Petrus, is a collection of homilies offered by Catholic women from Cycle C in the Catholic lectionary – including our own Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ, who is also part of the evening’s panel discussion.

Free of charge – Attend virtually or in person (space is limited)  – Advance registration required

We’re Joining Capuchin Mobile Missions on February 9 for Winter Walk 2025!

We’re Joining Capuchin Mobile Missions on February 9 for Winter Walk 2025!

Please consider joining the Capuchin Mobile Missions Winter Walk Team to help raise awareness and critical funds for their important mission!

All are welcome – individuals, families, adults, kids – even dogs! It’s a great opportunity to join together in service with other members of our SJSP community!

While those who are able to fundraise or make a personal donation for Capuchin Mobile Missions are encouraged to do so, it not required to participate in the walk. To register…

Our Collaborative “Care for Creation” Committee Welcomes New Members to Join!

Our Collaborative “Care for Creation” Committee Welcomes New Members to Join!

2025 marks the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on Care for Creation, Laudato Si’. Our Collaborative Care for Creation Committee is currently making plans for this important ministry in the year ahead. Check out our page on the Collaborative website…

Laudato Si’ Anniversary Contemplative Vigil We invite you to join us on January 25th, in solidarity with others around the globe, for an online contemplative vigil.  

Full details and Zoom link for the vigil are available here…

January 12, 2025: An Important Message from Fr. Jim

January 12, 2025: An Important Message from Fr. Jim

As many of you know, in the spring of 2022 I sustained life-threatening injuries when I was struck by a vehicle as a pedestrian. I am now writing to let you know about a new development from my accident – the gift that keeps on giving!

As a direct result of the injuries I suffered, I need a total hip replacement, which is scheduled for this week. Due to the prior trauma, there are some additional complications associated with the procedure and recovery, but my surgeon assures me that it will greatly improve my quality of life. I’ve been told that my recovery from surgery will require several weeks, and my return to ministry at the Collaborative will be based on the progression of my rehabilitation and my doctor’s advice…

Adult Faith Enrichment Series: The Spirituality of Aging

Adult Faith Enrichment Series: The Spirituality of Aging

In a culture that tries to defy the aging process, how do we embrace the fears as well as the spiritual opportunities of growing older?

Join Laurie Jacob, certified spiritual director, for a 3 week series exploring the spirituality of aging. Gathering in a small group faith sharing format, we will explore questions surrounding the challenges and opportunities of aging with a sense of hope and freedom to become one’s truest self.

This group will gather on Friday mornings from 9:30-10:30am at St. Paul Rectory on February 7, 14, and 21 

Participants are asked to please register…

AFE Bible Study: “The Holy Spirit in the Bible”

AFE Bible Study: “The Holy Spirit in the Bible”

“… and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.” -Genesis1:1

All are invited to join a study group using The Holy Spirit in the Bible, a manual from Liturgical Press. We are offering two groups – a Wednesday morning in-person group at St. Paul and a Monday evening online group on Zoom. Copies of the guide can be purchased on Amazon.

Each lesson is independent, so come when you can! To register…

“Creating Supple Hearts” – A Reflection by Sr. Colleen Gibson

“Creating Supple Hearts” – A Reflection by Sr. Colleen Gibson

Jesus prayed. It might seem like an obvious, and certainly fundamental, part of Jesus’ life, and yet I find myself captivated by the fact that amid everything else, the Gospel author chooses to make note that Jesus prayed.

I wonder what Jesus prayed about? How was the Spirit swirl­ing on that hillside as Jesus looked out over the sea—having just fed the five thousand and watching his disciples struggle to understand everything that was happening? And if I were to sit with him in that moment, what might Jesus say to me?

Sunday, January 26: Family Service Activity for “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” at Coffee & Donuts

Sunday, January 26: Family Service Activity for “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” at Coffee & Donuts

Please join the Religious Ed team for our Family Service Activity on Sunday, January 26 at 10:00am at St. Paul Hall during/after Coffee & Donuts. 

We will be putting together toiletry bags for clients at Bridge Over Troubled Waters an organization that provides effective and innovative services to runaway, homeless, and high-risk youth, helps youth avoid a lifetime of dependency on social services, guides youth towards self-sufficiency, and enables youth to transform their lives and build fulfilling, meaningful futures.

All are welcome – please join us!

January 17: Holy Hour for Life, Forgiveness, and Healing with Exposition of the Holy Eucharist

January 17: Holy Hour for Life, Forgiveness, and Healing  with Exposition of the Holy Eucharist

A Holy Hour for Life, Forgiveness, and Healing  will be held on Friday, January 17 from 7:30am-8:45am at St. Paul Church, as part of the Archdiocese of Boston observance of the National Day of Prayer and Penance.

Led by Deacon Rick, we will pray together for respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death; for those who have been wounded by abortion; for those facing death; and for increased holiness in the Church. 

Please join us, all are welcome.

Young Adult Ministry Group’s Soup-er Game Night!

Young Adult Ministry Group’s  Soup-er Game Night!

Our Young Adult group got together recently to celebrate the New Year with a Soup-er Game Night! Folks arrived with homemade soup, salad, and bread to share, along with a fun assortment of games to play.

SJSP Young Adult Ministry connects young adults between the ages of 21 and 40 to build community, share faith, and socialize.

If  you’re a young adult interested in taking part in this ministry, be sure to sign up for our mailing list  so you never miss what’s happening!