“… and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.”
All are invited to join a study group using The Holy Spirit in the Bible, a manual from Liturgical Press. Copies of the guide can be purchased on Amazon.
We are offering two groups – a Wednesday morning in-person group at St. Paul and a Monday evening online group on Zoom.
Each lesson is independent, so come when you can!
Wednesday Morning In-Person Group at St. Paul
This group will meet on Wednesday mornings at 9:45am in the St Paul Rectory on January 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12.
To join the Wednesday morning in-person group please register by emailing David Horn at davidebkhorn@gmail.com
Monday Evening Online Group on Zoom
This group will meet Monday evenings at 7:30pm on Zoom on January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24, and March 3.
To join the Monday evening online Zoom group please register by completing the form below: