We have one final Sunday 5pm Mass before it goes on “summer hiatus” until September, and we would like to go out with a bang!  We really hope you will join us on Sunday – we have a lot to celebrate! 

We would like to extend a special invitation to our seniors who are finishing up their last weeks of high school.  We will recognize them and have a special blessing as they move on to new adventures.

We will also be announcing and acknowledging the participants who will be attending the NPH Service and Immersion Trip later this summer.   We will bestow a special blessing on them as well and look forward to hearing about their experiences in the Dominican Republic when the Mass returns in September.

We will have new youth Eucharistic Ministers, as we continue our training of the newly Confirmed students who desire to participate more fully in the Mass.

Finally, we will be saying thank you to all who helped make this Mass so wonderful, and safe travels to those who will leave town over the next few months for their summer destinations.  Please plan to join us!  We hope to see you Sunday.


The Youth Ministry Team



Sunday, May 19: Join Us for the Last Sunday 5pm Mass Before Summer Vacation!