Our Regular Summer Mass Schedule Returns This Weekend, August 10-11

Our Regular Summer Mass Schedule Returns This Weekend, August 10-11

We are excited to announce that beginning this weekend, August 10-11, we are able to return to our regular Summer Mass Schedule.

Saturday 4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul
Saturday  5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John*
Sunday 9:00am Mass at St. Paul*
Sunday 11:00am Mass at St. John

The St. John parking lot will be open for Weekend Masses and funeral parking (but may be closed at other times to facilitate ongoing work on fencing, gets, etc.)

Please drive slowly and carefully while entering, parking, and exiting, and park in the normal layout…

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction: Week 3

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction: Week 3

It’s been a busy week! Work on the new gates and fencing is in full swing, and by the time you read this the top coat will have been applied!  We are on schedule to reopen the parking lot next weekend, August 10-11, and return to our Regular Summer Mass Schedule.

Summer Weekend Mass Schedule – August 10-11 Through Labor Day Weekend:
Saturday 4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul
Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John*
Sunday 9:00am Mass at St. Paul*
Sunday 11:00am Mass at St. John    *Livestreamed Masses

IMPORTANT:  Beginning Saturday, August 10 the parking lot will be open for Weekend Mass and funeral parking, but may be closed at other times to facilitate ongoing work.

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction: Week 2

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction: Week 2

Our general contractor, Ernest Guigli & Sons, Inc., has been making excellent progress! During the first week, the demolition of the old parking lot, compacting of the surface, and binder coat was completed. This past week, while the binder layer cures, asphalt curbing was installed along the fence lines. The curbing acts as a safety measure for people and vehicles and also adds a protective element for our existing trees, improving their health and the health of future plantings. The statue of the Blessed Mother in front of the Parish Center has been moved closer to the building where a small gathering area will be created for prayer and quiet reflection.

Work on the new driveway gates will begin this coming week, and the application of the top coat will happen over the next two weeks, so we are on schedule…

St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry Collection – This Sunday, July 21 at St. John Church

St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry Collection – This Sunday, July 21 at St. John Church

The St. Katharine Drexel Food Pantry Collection will take place as scheduled this Sunday.

As always, please double bag your donations and drop at the Glen Road entrance to the church any time before 11:00am on Sunday morning.

Thank you for your continued generous support of our Food Pantry Collections, especially during the summer months when other resources such as school-based programs are unavailable and the need is great!

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction is Underway!

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction is Underway!

The reconstruction of the parking lot at St. John the Evangelist Parish is now underway – check out some photos from the first few days of work below!

As we announced earlier this month, we cannot celebrate weekend Masses at St. John while the parking is closed.  

The Temporary Mass Schedule for this weekend, July 20-21, next weekend, July 27-28, and the following weekend, August 3-4, is:  

Saturday 4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul*
Sunday 9:00am Mass at St. Paul*
Sunday 11:00am Mass at St. Paul*

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction and Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule Changes Beginning July 20-21

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction and Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule Changes Beginning July 20-21

We are excited to let you know that we will be replacing the St. John parking lot this summer! The parking lot is long past its expected lifespan, so the project will be a major undertaking as it requires the demolition and removal of the existing surface prior to the installation of the new surface. The work will begin on Monday, July 15 and is expected to be finished by the week of August 5.

We will be unable to celebrate weekend Masses at St. John on July 20-21, July 27-28, and August 3-4 while the parking lot is closed.  During this time, there will be NO Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass and the Sunday 11:00am Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul Church.

Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule for July 20-21, July 27-28, August 3-4:  

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

Introducing Our New Collaborative Director of Music Ministry!

It is with great joy we introduce our new Collaborative Director of Music Ministries, William Endicott. William has been serving as Music Director and Organist of Holy Name Parish in West Roxbury and the Director of Music and Conductor of the Harvard Catholic Center. He holds three music degrees including Bachelor of Voice Performance, Master of Music in Choral Conducting and Master of Sacred Music in Organ Performance…

William will begin his new role on the weekend of July 6-7. Please join us in warmly welcoming him…

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Each year in the Spring, all staff and volunteers age 18 and older (including Eucharistic ministers and lectors, choir members and musicians, members of councils and commissions, ushers and counters, other Mass volunteers, etc.) must complete an annual Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) background screening (except for Religious Education and Youth Ministry volunteers who complete their screening in the early Fall), as mandated by civil and Archdiocese of Boston authorities…