Update On Our Live Stream Schedule

Update On Our Live Stream Schedule

Since early 2021, when the equipment was installed in both parishes in response to the pandemic, we have livestreamed all regularly scheduled weekday and weekend Masses in the Collaborative. Now that we are returning to a more “normal” routine, and in an effort to conserve resources, beginning this weekend, September 24-25, we will stream two weekend Masses live (with recordings available to watch later on our YouTube channel) for those who are ill or homebound:

5:00pm Vigil Mass from St. John the Evangelist Church
11:00am Sunday Mass from St. Paul Church

We will continue to live stream First Communions, Confirmations, and other special liturgies for family and friends who cannot attend in person. Funerals, weddings, and baptisms may also be livestreamed if the family so chooses…

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants

As you well know, we have been blessed here at the Collaborative by the outpouring of support for Fr. Jim from his brother priests. Since June, we have been celebrating Mass with guest celebrants from nearby parishes as well as with priests from the Jesuit Community at Boston College. We are going to be featuring our guest celebrants in the bulletin in the coming weeks to help you learn a little bit about them and put faces with names!

Fr. Brett O’Neill, S.J.
Fr. O’Neill is a recently-ordained Australian Jesuit studying at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. Before entering the Society of Jesus in 2014, Fr. O’Neill worked in public policy with the Australian Government. As a Jesuit he has worked in policy advocacy with Jesuit Social Services…

Our Collaborative Mass Schedule for the Fall

Our Collaborative Mass Schedule for the Fall

Since Fr. Jim’s accident in early June, our Collaborative staff have worked tirelessly to assure Mass coverage for our Collaborative, with support and guidance from Fr. Hehir.  It was not easy, but we were able to maintain our typical Summer Weekend Mass Schedule of four Masses thanks in large part to the outpouring of support for Fr. Jim from his brother priests. We understand, however, that their availability will decrease drastically come September, as their own demanding parish and academic schedules return. 

As you know, it will still be many months before Fr. Jim is able to resume his ministry here at the Collaborative.  As we approach the end of summer and what would normally be a return to a Regular Weekend Mass Schedule of seven Masses, we must recognize that it is simply not possible to maintain that number of Masses with one priest in residence (Fr. Hehir) and assisting priests.  Given this reality, we must suspend the 7:30am Sunday Mass at least for the fall…

Summer Mass Schedule Begins This Weekend!

Summer Mass Schedule Begins This Weekend!

Our Summer Sunday Mass Schedule begins this weekend, Sunday, May 29: 

4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul
5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John

9:00am Mass at St. Paul
11:00am Mass at St. John

With this schedule, we anticipate a fuller church at all of our Sunday Masses this summer, which will significantly enhance our worship. Parishioners are encouraged to attend the Masses within the collaborative that are most convenient; envelopes and checks placed in the collection basket will be sent to your home parishes.

Now would be a great time to consider online giving, if you haven’t already…

Saturday, May 21: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

Saturday, May 21: Veterans Memorial Mass at the 4:00pm Vigil at St. Paul

All military veterans and their families are cordially invited to attend a special Veterans Memorial Mass at St. Paul Church at 4:00pm on Saturday, May 21. Organized by the Wellesley Veterans’ Council, this annual event brings Wellesley veterans together as part of the annual Wellesley Wonderful Weekend. Veterans are invited (but not required!) to wear their uniforms. We will gather in the St. Paul foyer and process in with the celebrant to reserved seats down front.  During the Mass we will remember those veterans from Wellesley who gave their lives for our country. We salute your service to our country and look forward to seeing you at St. Paul on May 21.

All Activities CANCELLED Tomorrow,  Friday,  February 25

All Activities CANCELLED Tomorrow,  Friday,  February 25

Due to the forecast for heavy snow and hazardous travel, the 9:00am Mass at St. Paul and 1:00pm Adoration at St. John are CANCELLED tomorrow, Friday,  February 25

The Collaborative Offices will also be closed, and staff will be working remotely.  Messages and emails will be returned as soon as possible. 

As always, these decisions are made with the safety of our parishioners, staff, and clergy always at the forefront of our minds. Please stay safe!

Winter Weather Policy

Winter Weather Policy

Decisions regarding the cancellation of Masses and other programs and activities are always made with the safety of our parishioners, staff, and clergy at the forefront.

Weekday Morning Masses: If the Wellesley Public Schools are closed or have a delayed opening, the morning Mass is always cancelled. A cancellation announcement will be sent to the Collaborative email list and posted on our website and social media. A recorded announcement will be available by calling either parish office when possible.

Weekend Masses and Other Events and Activities: Cancellation announcements will be sent to the Collaborative email list and posted on our website and social media. A recorded announcement will be available by calling either parish office when possible…

IMPORTANT! All Collaborative Activities Cancelled Friday, February 4

IMPORTANT! All Collaborative Activities Cancelled Friday, February 4

Due to the forecast for ice and hazardous travel, the 9:00am Mass at St. Paul and the 1:00pm Adoration at St. John on Friday, February 4 are cancelled and the churches will remain closed. 

The Collaborative Offices will also be closed, and staff will be working remotely.  Messages and emails will be returned as soon as possible. 

As always, these decisions are made with the safety of our parishioners, staff, and clergy always at the forefront of our minds. Please stay safe!