Schedule for Holy Week and Easter 2023

Schedule for Holy Week and Easter 2023

It is our joy and privilege to assemble so that together we might enter into the Sacred Triduum: three days beginning with Holy Thursday evening, through Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and ending on Easter Sunday evening. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ’s Paschal Mystery. Our liturgies clearly illustrate this reality – you will notice that Thursday’s liturgy has no dismissal, and Good Friday’s liturgy has no entrance and no dismissal.

Once we have entered into this sacred space and time, even when we return home, our hearts and minds remain in a very real way with the Lord Jesus.



Due to the forecast for snow and  ice and hazardous travel, all Collaborative Offices will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28.

In addition, the 7:00pm Confessions at St. Paul on Tuesday evening are cancelled.  

Confessions have been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 1 at 7:00pm at St. Paul.

As always, these decisions are made with the safety of our parishioners, staff, and clergy always at the forefront of our minds. Please stay safe!

Our Christmas Mass Schedule

Our Christmas Mass Schedule

Sacrament of Reconciliation on Christmas Eve
There is no better way to prepare for Christmas!
Sunday, December 24 from 10:00am – 12:00pm
St. John Chapel

Masses on Christmas Eve
*4:00pm Mass at St. John Church 3:30pm Youth Choir Prelude and Carols

4:00pm Mass at Saint John School Hall

4:00pm Mass  at St. Paul Church

*8:00pm Mass at St. Paul Church 7:30pm Choir Prelude and Carols

Join Us for a Special Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass on Thursday, November 24 at 9:00am at St. John the Evangelist Church Celebrated by Fr. Jim Laughlin

Join Us for a Special Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass on Thursday, November 24 at 9:00am at St. John the Evangelist Church Celebrated by Fr. Jim Laughlin

With gratitude to God for his ongoing recovery, and to all of you for your constant prayers and support over these past almost six months, our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Jim.

The Mass will feature our Collaborative Choir and Musicians – all are invited to join together in thanksgiving for our many blessings!  (The Mass will be livestreamed for those who may be travelling – click the St. John Livestream link to watch!)

This year, we ask you to consider sharing your blessings by bringing a non-perishable item for the Waltham Food Pantry, which is currently in desperate need…

Join us for Our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9:00am at St. John Church

Join us for Our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9:00am at St. John Church

This year, our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass will be on Thursday, November 24 at 9:00am at St. John the Evangelist Church and will feature our Collaborative Choir and Musicians – all are invited to join together in thanksgiving for our many blessings. (The Mass will be livestreamed for those who may be travelling – click the St. John Livestream link to watch!)

This year, we ask you to consider sharing your blessings by bringing a non-perishable item for the Waltham Food Pantry, which is currently in desperate need of canned goods and other non-perishables and unopened household and toiletry items…

Please Note: This will be the only daily Mass on Thanksgiving Day – there will be no 7:00am Mass at St. John.

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants, Part III

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants, Part III

This is the third installment in our series featuring our guest celebrants to help you learn a little bit about them and put faces with names!

Fr. Arthur MacKay
Fr. MacKay is no stranger to the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative, having served as the Parochial Vicar at St. Paul from 2012-2015, and then at the newly-formed Collaborative until 2017, but we wanted to “re-introduce” him to everyone!  A son of the late Charles and Marjorie (Sullivan) MacKay, Fr. Arthur is presently a Priest Hospital Chaplain at Lahey Hospital and Framingham Union MetroWest Hospital. Fr. MacKay grew up in Newton…

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants, Part II

Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants, Part II

This is the second installment in our series featuring our guest celebrants to help you learn a little bit about them and put faces with names!

Fr. Borja Miró Madariaga S.J.
Fr. Borja was ordained to the priesthood this past June in Spain. Born in Bilbao, Spain to a Catholic family, Fr. Borja joined the Society of Jesus in September 2012, and is currently at Boston College studying Moral Theology. In an interview prior to his ordination, Fr. Borja was asked what a 21st century priesthood should be like (translated from the Spanish):

“For me the priesthood is the way that the Lord has chosen for me as a servant of his people. No more no less… to bring the people closer to God through the ministry of the word, the spiritual exercises and the sacraments…