Our Lenten Gift collection for the St. John-St. Paul POWIR Ministry will be taken up at all Masses in both parishes this weekend, March 20-21. Please place your donations in the 2021 Lenten Gift receptacles in the entryways of the
Our Lenten Gift Story Week 3: The Road Ahead
During the first three weeks of Lent, we have presented information about refugee resettlement and the work of the SJSP Collaborative to support refugee resettlement in partnership with Catholic Charities of the Boston Archdiocese. Our work is ongoing. Despite the
Ash Wednesday, February 17: Our 12:00pm Mass at St. John
This is the recording of today’s 12:00pm Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church, celebrated by Fr. Jim Laughlin. You can watch by clicking the video above, or on our Vimeo page.
Fr. Bryan Hehir: A Lenten Reflection on the Incarnation
Fr. Hehir offers a Lenten reflection on the Incarnation, moving from John’s Gospel of the Incarnation, through the theology of the Incarnation, particularly as it was developed in the middle of the 20th century, and then to a definitive expression
Fr. John Connelly: A Reflection for Monday of Holy Week
Father Connelly shares his reflections about the ‘annoying and irksome’ path of Lent and Holy Week.
New Ways to Participate in the Mass and Engage Your Faith
It has truly been a joy to be able to provide a recorded celebration of the Mass for the past two Sundays for our parishes. We hope that seeing and hearing familiar faces and voices helped as we transitioned into
Evening for Women – Tuesday, March 3 at 6pm at St. John (Powers Hall)
LENT… SEASON OF GRACE. Our Lenten Path, so familiar – yet always NEW! What does our loving Christ want to make new in our lives?? All women of the collaborative are warmly invited to An Evening for Women. This year we are
Ash Wednesday, February 26
COLLABORATIVE SCHEDULE 7:00am Mass at St. John (Upper Church) 9:00am Mass at St. Paul 9:00am Mass at St. John (with Saint John School – all welcome!) 12:10 Mass at St. John 2:10 Ash Service at St. Paul (with St. Paul Religous Ed – all welcome!) 5:30pm Mass at St.
Ashes on the Way to Work
Priests and seminarians from Pope St. John XXIII Seminary in Weston will be available for the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday, February 26, from 6:30am until 8:00am at the Riverside T Station.
Adult Faith Enrichment Speaker Series: “Living Lent with Laudato Si” – Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Pope Francis’ far-reaching encyclical, Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home, challenges us in 2020 more than ever before. In our presentation, we will explore traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and conversion of heart as we listen to and respond to