Telling the Story Part 1: The Capuchin Friars – A Deep Commitment to Humble Service

Telling the Story Part 1: The Capuchin Friars – A Deep Commitment to Humble Service

The work of Capuchin Mobile Ministries comes directly from the Capuchin Friars who sponsor and staff CMM. Inspired by the life and ideals of St. Francis of Assisi, the Capuchins are Franciscan Friars who live out the Gospel by serving those in need, living a simple life together as a community of brothers, and drawing closer to God through prayer. They work to make sure that the light of Christ in those persons they serve is not being obscured by ignorance or injustice or poverty of any kind.

Like every religious order, the Capuchins live out a particular charism…

Revisiting The Joy of the Gospel: Chapter One – “The Church’s Missionary Transformation”

Revisiting <i>The Joy of the Gospel</i>: Chapter One – “The Church’s Missionary Transformation”

In itself mercy is the greatest of the virtues. –St. Thomas Aquinas

Last week, we continued our discussion by diving into Chapter One: “The Church’s Missionary Transformation”. Our conversation centered on embodying a Church that goes forth and a house with the doors always open. Please find below some questions for your personal prayer…

Revisiting The Joy of the Gospel: Introduction

Revisiting <i>The Joy of the Gospel:</i> Introduction

Last week, we opened our study with the Introduction… Here are some questions for your prayer and consideration to support your study of the Introduction: 

1. Have you ever experienced a powerful sensation of joy in the midst of what would otherwise be a challenging time? 
2. What does a renewed personal encounter with Christ look like this Lenten season?
3. What are some examples in scripture of people who have experienced an overwhelming joy whose source is the Lord?

This week, we will be diving into “Chapter One: The Church’s Missionary Transformation”. To enrich your study we are offering a Lenten Podcast featuring our beloved late Priest in Residence, Father John Connelly…

Poetry Reading with Fr. Tom Fitzpatrick, SJ – Sunday, March 3 at 2:00pm at St. John

Poetry Reading with Fr. Tom Fitzpatrick, SJ – Sunday, March 3 at 2:00pm at St. John

Please join us in the lower Chapel at St. John for a Lenten afternoon poetry reading and discussion led by Rev. Tom Fitzpatrick, SJ, from Weston’s Campion Center.

Father Tom has been a Jesuit for 64 years and a priest for 51. His writing reveals a lifelong spiritual journey with God. He uses humor and images of nature, with simple and direct language, to make God real for us.

Fr. Tom founded the Jesuit Center in Amman, Jordan, and remained as director for 14 years. He also served as director of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Jerusalem for 10 years, and taught for more than 10 years at Fairfield University.

“Love (III)” from “Lenten Poetry and Prayer” with Sr. Mary Sweeney

“Love (III)” from “Lenten Poetry and Prayer” with Sr. Mary Sweeney

On the first Friday in Lent, this poem by George Herbert – and its theme of God’s love and forgiveness – was a focus of discussion and prayer.

Love (III)

Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back,
Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning,
If I lacked anything.

A guest, I answered, worthy to be here:
Love said, You shall be he

A Lenten Message from Fr. Jim

A Lenten Message from Fr. Jim

My dear friends in Christ,

Leper. That is all we know of him. Deemed ritually impure, he was banished from society. He had lost everything: his family, his community… even his name. Leper. This classification became his identity. That is, until he encountered Jesus. Perhaps Jesus could help him. He was desperate. It was worth a shot. He knelt down before him and said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.”

Jesus’ response is astonishing, beginning with the compassion which motivated his actions. Our translation “moved with pity” doesn’t begin to capture the power of the Greek verb σπλαγχνίζομαι (splanchnizomai). Jesus was moved from the depths of his being…

Ash Wednesday, February 14 Collection for Catholic Charities

Ash Wednesday, February 14 Collection for Catholic Charities

The collection at all Masses in the Archdiocese of Boston on Ash Wednesday is taken up for Catholic Charities Boston. Catholic Charities helps thousands of families within our own communities who are facing critical challenges – homelessness, food insecurity, poverty, lack of affordable childcare, access to education and job training, legal advocacy and support for refugees and immigrants – to help achieve stability and reach self-sufficiency.

Donation may be made during the collection on Ash Wednesday or online by visiting
Any amount you can give directly helps our neighbors in need. Thank you so much.

Lenten Study: “Revisiting ‘The Joy of the Gospel'”

Lenten Study: “Revisiting ‘The Joy of the Gospel'”

Tuesdays in Lent beginning February 20
6:30pm – 8:00pm St. Paul Parish Hall

Ten years after Pope Francis’ first apostolic exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel”, is an important reminder for every disciple to live in joyful, missionary witness…

Through this six  session study we will revisit this consistent theme and discuss what it means for our faith and Church today as we enhance our understanding of what it means to be a Synodal Church.

Registration is required…