You are invited to come and play/sing in the music group for the Sunday 5pm Masses. All are invited and encouraged to come along and help to enhance the liturgy with great music. The music group is a fun and
NPH Host Families Needed!
We are looking for six families to host either two youth (ages 16-22) or a chaperone from the musical group from October 30 – November 5 during which time they will be visiting area schools and local events. The musical
Christopher Holownia – First Vows with the Society of Jesus
On August 10, 2019 Christopher Holownia professed his first vows with the Society of Jesus. The Jesuit vow Mass took place at the Chapel of St. Joseph, St. Joseph University, Philadelphia. Jesuit formation is the longest of any religious order;
Matthew Norwood – Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate
On June 8, 2019 Matthew Norwood was Ordained to the Transitional Diaconate in our own Archdiocese of Boston. Matt was baptized at St. James Parish and received his further Sacraments at St. Paul Parish. Matt’s call to the Priesthood led
POWIR Program Training: Wednesday, September 25
Our Collaborative, in partnership with Catholic Charities’ Refugee and Immigration Services, will be welcoming a refugee family in the coming year. If you are interested in volunteering, please come to this training session by the expert team at Catholic Charities
Please Join Us for a Youth Ministry NPH Trip Presentation
Our high school students who traveled to the NPH home in the Dominican Republic this summer with Fr. Jim and our Youth Ministry Team would like to invite you to a presentation about their experience. Please join us on Sunday,
Where Are You on Your Faith Journey?
RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It the process by which adults enter full communion with our Church, through the sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist (Communion). RCIA can help you along your faith journey if:
Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass – Sunday, September 15 at 11:00am
Things to know… So that as many members of our community as possible may join together for this special liturgy, there will be a reduced Mass schedule at the parishes on Sunday. Both parishes will have their regular Saturday Vigil
Join Us on Sunday, September 15 for Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist with Food and Fellowship to Follow Things to know… So that as many members of our community as possible may join together for this special liturgy, there will be a reduced Mass schedule at the
Our Collaborative Summer Mass Schedule Begins Sunday, July 7
The Summer Sunday Mass Schedule for our Collaborative will begin on Sunday, July 7. As you will recall, during the summer months we have Sunday 7:30am Masses at both parishes, and a 9:00am Mass at one parish and an 11:00am