My Dear Friends in Christ, As we all experience the unprecedented circumstances of the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis please know of my prayers for you and your loved ones. While striving each day to proceed as safely as possible
Pope Francis: Please Pray the Rosary Today at 4:00pm
The Holy Father has invited the world community to join him by being united spiritually in the recitation of the Rosary today at 4:00pm EST. You are invited to (virtually) join with Kelly Meraw, Director of Collaborative Pastoral Care, as
They’re Here! Some Good News in a Difficult Time…
It is with hearts brimming over with joy we announce the truly miraculous arrival of our new POWIR family, Emile and Rosine Rwamuhinda and their children, in Boston! The family landed at Logan Airport today at 2:20pm. During these unimaginably
Cardinal Seán to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Mass Today
Watch live on television on the CatholicTV channel (consult local cable providers or network listings for your channel) or online at
The Mass will be rebroadcast on the CatholicTV channel tonight at 8:00pm, or you can watch online at
Updated Guidance on the Sacrament of Confession
We have learned that scheduled confessions are not possible at this time due to the possible numbers of people gathering in the church together. Individual confessions may be requested and heard during this time. We are awaiting further guidance from
March 16: A Message from Fr. Jim
On that day, as evening drew on, Jesus said to his disciples: “Let us cross to the other side.” Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him.
Cardinal Suspends All Daily and Sunday Masses
The announcement below, issued late this afternoon by the Cardinal, suspends all daily and Sunday Masses and religious services in the Archdiocese of Boston beginning tomorrow, Saturday, March 14 at 4:00pm, and continuing until further notice. During the suspension, confession will continue to be available
COVID-19: Updated Directives from the Archdiocese of Boston and the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative
Updated Directives from the Archdiocese of Boston All Masses and, except as provided below, religious services in all Archdiocesan parishes, missions, and campus ministries are suspended until further notice. This suspension begins at 4:00pm on Saturday afternoon, March 14. The
Welcome Emile and Rosine and Family, Arriving in Boston on March 18!
As many in the collaborative heard during last week’s Masses, we have exciting news to share regarding our partnership with Catholic Charities to assist in the resettlement efforts of Immigrant and Refugees into the Boston area. On March 18, 2020
COVID-19 UPDATE: Important Information from the Archdiocese of Boston and the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative
As you know, the progression of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a rapidly developing situation. We are monitoring these developments closely, and are implementing the directives, guidance, and best practices we are receiving from the Town of Wellesley, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,