Thursday, November 25: Collaborative Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00am at St. Paul Church

Thursday, November 25: Collaborative Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00am at St. Paul Church

God bless you, and keep you, and walk beside you, at Thanksgiving. . . . and always.

This year, our Thanksgiving Mass for the Collaborative will be celebrated Thanksgiving morning at 9:00am at Paul Church, and will feature music from both the St. John and St. Paul music programs. Please join us – in person or on the St. Paul Livestream!

Please Note: This will be the only daily Mass of the day; there will be no 7:00am Mass at St. John on Thanksgiving.

Knights of Columbus Membership Drive: October 9-10

Knights of Columbus Membership Drive: October 9-10

The Knights of Columbus is an international Order of Catholic men who are called to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others and defend Catholic values in a busy changing world.

The reactivation of the Wellesley Council #3011 will begin by holding a membership drive at all Masses on October 9th and 10th. Whether you become an individual member or a member of the Wellesley Council you will find that the Knights of Columbus membership brings Catholic men together in a powerful way…

Helping a Family from Afghanistan   

Helping a Family from Afghanistan   

We are pleased to announce that our Collaborative Service Commission and POWIR committee have decided to sponsor a refugee family from Afghanistan. Once again, we will be partnering with Catholic Charities in this effort. This year Catholic Charities is collaborating with the Jewish Community Relations Council. Our brothers and sisters at Temple Beth Elohim of Wellesley will also be sponsoring a family and we are looking for creative ways to work together!

Our POWIR co-chairs Barbara Viechnicki and Barbara Weidlich will be looking for as much engagement as possible from parishioners. We implore you to lend a hand. We need your help for this important act of mercy.