Monday, June 6: Message and Request from Fr. Jim

Monday, June 6: Message and Request from Fr. Jim

Fr. Jim asked us to pass along to all of you how much he appreciates your thoughts, prayers, and concern for him.  The unbelievable outpouring of support from parishioners, friends, and of course his family, has been a tremendous comfort.
As anyone who has gone through a serious accident or illness, surgery, and a hospital stay knows, the experience is exhausting, and one of the most important factors in recovery is rest.  Fr. Jim has asked that, for now, folks rely on the regular updates provided by the Collaborative, rather than texting or calling him directly, so he can focus on rest and recovery.

He promises to update us regularly, and we promise to keep you updated!

Thank you so much for your understanding –

St. John-St. Paul Collaborative Staff

Sunday, June 5: Update on Fr. Jim

Sunday, June 5: Update on Fr. Jim

We want to provide, with Fr. Jim’s blessing, a little more information about what happened.

Fr. Jim was running an errand, and while standing next to his car in a parking lot he was struck by another vehicle. He was provided immediate care and taken to a Boston hospital, where he is in great hands and receiving the best possible care as he recovers. He is in contact with Fr. Hehir and the Collaborative staff, providing input as we work to arrange coverage during his absence.

So many of you have reached out to ask what you can do for Fr. Jim at this time. Your continued prayers for his complete and speedy recovery and return to us are the best way to support him while he remains in the hospital. Cards and notes can be sent to Fr. Jim at the St. John rectory (9 Glen Road, Wellesley, MA 02481) or dropped in the rectory vestibule (a box will be provided) or at either parish office and they will be delivered to him.  We will, of course, continue to provide regular updates to you as Fr. Jim shares them with us. He will let us know how best to support him in the days and weeks ahead.

Saturday, June 4: Important Message About Fr. Jim

Saturday, June 4: Important Message About Fr. Jim

As we shared with you via email yesterday, Fr. Jim was in a serious accident on Thursday.  We are so thankful that he OK and is expected to make a full recovery, but he is facing multiple surgeries and will be out of commission for quite some time. Fr. Jim is always our steadfast leader and partner in prayer, and he is comforted knowing that we are praying for him now.

So many of you have reached out to ask what you can do for Fr. Jim at this time. Please know that he is in great hands and receiving the best possible care as he recovers. Your continued prayers for his complete and speedy recovery and return to us are the best way to support him at the current moment.  We will, of course, provide regular updates to you as Fr. Jim shares them with us, and he will let us know how best to support him in the days and weeks ahead.

Cards and notes can be sent to Fr. Jim at the rectory address (9 Glen Road, Wellesley, MA 02481). 

Summer Mass Schedule Begins This Weekend!

Summer Mass Schedule Begins This Weekend!

Our Summer Sunday Mass Schedule begins this weekend, Sunday, May 29: 

4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul
5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John

9:00am Mass at St. Paul
11:00am Mass at St. John

With this schedule, we anticipate a fuller church at all of our Sunday Masses this summer, which will significantly enhance our worship. Parishioners are encouraged to attend the Masses within the collaborative that are most convenient; envelopes and checks placed in the collection basket will be sent to your home parishes.

Now would be a great time to consider online giving, if you haven’t already…

Cardinal O’Malley releases statement on Texas shooting

Cardinal O’Malley releases statement on Texas shooting

Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley released the following statement May 24, after a gunman killed 19 children and two adults at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

“Today’s tragedy in Uvalde, Texas leaves us all stunned by the unthinkable loss of so many innocent young lives and the teacher who devoted her life to educating and nurturing the children.

Our nation has too often become a place of unspeakable crimes of gun violence that have taken far too many lives, though none more heartbreaking than innocent children. We must take action to stop this senseless carnage…

Thursday, May 5th Listening Session at St. Paul POSTPONED!

Thursday, May 5th Listening Session at St. Paul POSTPONED!

We are so disappointed, but out of an abundance of caution we are cancelling tonight’s Intentional Listening Session at St. Paul.

We have had multiple reports of Covid positives among Collaborative staff and parishioners in the past 24 hours, so we believe it is prudent to postpone the session. 

Please Stay Tuned!  We will let you know as soon as we have a new date and time for the evening session at St. Paul!

Taizé Prayer Service with Opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession – Wednesday, April 6 at 7:00pm at St. Paul Church

Taizé Prayer Service with Opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession – Wednesday, April 6 at 7:00pm at St. Paul Church

All are invited for an evening of beautiful Taizé-inspired music and prayer. Taizé is a quieting and mystical experience. The repetitive sung simple prayers draw you deeply into communion with the Holy Spirit and allows the clutter of your thoughts to subside. Holy Scripture and silence is interwoven in the experience in order for worshipers to be attentive to God’s voice.  The evening will be punctuated with the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation throughout.

There can be no better way to prepare for Holy Week than to approach it full of God’s abundant grace.

Pope Francis Consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Pope Francis Consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

On Friday, March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, Pope Francis consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At the 9:00am Mass on Friday, we prayed the Act of Consecration along with the Pope and Catholics all around the world.

Copies of the special prayer of consecration (included below) are also available at the entrances to the churches, and we encourage you and your families to pray together at this time when we so need God’s love and mercy…

Friday, March 25: Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Friday, March 25: Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

On Friday, March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation, Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary during a prayer service at St. Peter’s Basilica.

Pope Francis has asked all the bishops of the world, along with their priests, to join him in the prayer for peace and in the consecration and entrustment of Russia and of Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Cardinal Sèan has asked that we all join the Holy Father in this universal prayer of consecration. All are encouraged to attend Mass on Friday morning at St. Paul at 9:00AM, when this special prayer of consecration will be included.