To request baptism for your child and begin the scheduling process please complete the form below. SCHEDULING PREFERENCEPlease indicate your scheduling preference below. Once we receive your completed form our Baptismal Coordinator will contact you to discuss available dates and to schedule the baptism (and baptismal preparation if this is your first child to be baptized.) Please Note: Due to priest availability we are unlikely to be able to schedule Baptisms in the month of August.Our scheduling preference is *Sunday, March 2 at St. Paul Church (1:30pm)Sunday, March 9 at St. John Church (1:30pm)Sunday, April 6 at St. Paul Church (1:30pm)Sunday, May 4 at St. Paul Church (1:30pm)Sunday, May 11 at St. John Church (1:30pm)Sunday, June 1 at St. Paul Church (1:30pm)Sunday, June 8 at St. John Church (1:30pm)We would like to discuss having our baby baptized at a Sunday 9:00am Family Mass.We would like to discuss other possible scheduling options.Comment (optional) INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHILD TO BE BAPTIZEDPlease enter the child's FULL LEGAL NAME as it appears on the birth certificate.Child's Last Name *Child's First Name *Child's Middle Name *(If none, please write "none")Child's Date of Birth *Child's Place of Birth *City and State (and country if not United States)Gender *Please selectFemaleMaleIs this your first child to be Baptized? *YesNoINFORMATION ABOUT THE FATHERPlease enter the father's FULL LEGAL NAME.Father's Last Name *Father's First Name *Father's Middle Name *(if none, please write "none")Father's Religion *INFORMATION ABOUT THE MOTHERPlease enter the mother's CURRENT FULL LEGAL NAME.Mother's CURRENT Last Name *Mother's CURRENT First Name *Mother's CURRENT Middle Name *(if none, please write "none")Mother's Religion *Is the mother's CURRENT LEGAL NAME the same as her NAME AT BIRTH? *YesNoIMPORTANTPlease enter the mother's FULL LEGAL NAME AT BIRTH Baptismal records reflect parents' names at birth - not married names.Mother's Last Name AT BIRTH *Mother's First Name AT BIRTH *Mother's Middle Name AT BIRTH *(if none, please write "none")INFORMATION ABOUT THE FAMILYMarriage *Married in the Catholic ChurchMarried in another denomination with permission of the Catholic ChurchMarried in another denominationMarried civillyNot marriedDenomination of Marriage Date of Marriage Please enter the date of your marriageName of Church Location of Church City and State (and country if not United States)Comment (optional) Home Address *Address Line 1CityState / Province / RegionZip / Postal CodePrimary Email *Primary Phone *Are you currently registered at a parish? *YesNoWe are registered at *St. John the Evangelist ParishSt. Paul ParishOther Parish (please specify below)Other Parish Name, City, and State Register at: *Please register us at St. John the Evangelist ParishPlease register us at St. Paul ParishINFORMATION ABOUT THE SPONSORSA child to be baptized must have one sponsor (godparent), but may have two: one godfather and one godmother. According to the universal law of the Church, to be admitted to the role of a godparent, a person must be a Catholic who: * is at least 16 years of age. * has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. * is not the father or the mother of the child to be baptized. A baptized non-Catholic Christian may participate as a Christian Witness to the baptism in addition to a Catholic godparent. If you have selected sponsors for your child please enter the information below. If sponsors have not yet been selected you may leave this section blank, but please remember that sponsor names must be provided at least one week prior to the baptism date. Godfather's Name First Middle LastGodfather's Religion Godmother's Name First Middle LastGodmother's Religion Submit Your RequestClick the button below to submit your request. Our Baptismal Coordinator will contact you within about a week to discuss the scheduling of the baptism and the baptismal preparation (if needed.) MessageSubmit SHARE THIS: