Nurturing our growth in faith is at the core of this ministry.  Bible studies, book studies, spiritual enrichment groups, lectures, monthly gatherings for women and men, and Advent and Lenten programs offer the opportunity to share and reflect upon our faith.

Adult faith enrichment is a multi-faceted, learning and living experience for Catholics that meshes education, spiritual growth, and the active practice of faith. Our Adult Faith Enrichment Ministry also offers a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program.

Please check below for information on current, upcoming, and past Adult Faith Enrichment offerings and resources.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Kelly Meraw, Director of Pastoral Care.

Adult Faith Enrichment: News and Events

Evening Prayer on the Feast of St. Phoebe

On September 3 we gathered at St. John to celebrate the Feast of St. Phoebe with song, prayer, and readings from scripture. Sr. Colleen preached on the life of St. Phoebe, a deacon and mother of the ancient Church, who shared the Good News of Christ's resurrection through the letter ...

Seasons of Hope – Fall 2024

If you have experienced the death of a loved one and are searching for meaning and consolation, we invite you to join our Seasons of Hope group. Seasons of Hope is a Christ-centered group where we will be able to share and learn from each other as we walk ...

Autumn Bible Study Begins September 18: Isaiah, Part Two

You are invited to join a 6-session Little Rock study of the second part of the prophet Isaiah, chapters 40 to 66. (Part 1 is not required as a prerequisite.) Following the oracles of destruction that dominate the earlier portion of the book of Isaiah, Part Two of our study ...
/ Adult Faith Enrichment, Bible Study

Tuesday, September 3: Please Join Us to Celebrate the Feast of St. Phoebe

Please join us on Tuesday, September 3 at 7:00pm for our Feast of St. Phoebe Evening Prayer Service at St. John. “I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a deacon of the church at Cenchreae, that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy ...

Remembering Fr. Peter Gyves, SJ of “A Faith That Does Justice”

Fr. Peter Gyves, SJ, the founder and director of A Faith That Does Justice, died unexpectedly this past week. Fr. Peter joined us in October of 2022 to celebrate the Opening Mass for our Evening for Women program, and to share the story of his life and his work with ...

Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue (WILD)

In late April, Temple Beth Elohim hosted a beautiful night of Shabbat services and interfaith sharing. Members of faith communities throughout the Wellesley community were invited to worship together and hear reflections from representative clergy. From that beautiful event the idea for an interfaith lay ministry arose. Members of ...

Caring for Our Common Home – Roof Garden Experiment!

In Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter, “Laudato si' - On Care for Our Common Home”, he notes that scripture tells us to “till and keep” the garden of the world (cf. Gen 2:15). “Tilling” refers to cultivating, ploughing or working, while “keeping” means caring, protecting, overseeing and preserving. He calls on ...

Kelly Meraw Preaching for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene on “Catholic Women Preach”

Please take a few moments to watch Kelly’s reflection on the readings for July 22, the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene. Kelly reminds us of Mary’s deep listening to Jesus’ call, and her courage and perseverance in answering his call to “go and tell.” “He is here. He is ...

Webinar: 15th Annual Saint Mary Magdalene Celebration at Boston College

Beyond Rights: The Theological Case for Women Monday, July 22 at 1:00pm* on Zoom (*lecture will begin at approximately 1:20pm) Presenter: Cecilia González-Andrieu, professor of theological studies, Loyola Marymount University, contributing writer for America, advisor to Discerning Deacons Has speaking of rights and social justice in relation to women become ...

15th Annual Saint Mary Magdalene Celebration at Boston College

Beyond Rights: The Theological Case for Women Monday, July 22 from 12:00-3:00pm at Boston College Simboli Hall, Brighton Campus The celebration begins with Mass and lunch, followed by a lecture. Event is free of charge, attend in person or virtually. (Please note: in-person space is limited) Presenter: Cecilia González-Andrieu, ...