In the fall of 2022, we began an important and extensive project to restore the bell and tower at St. Paul Church. The bell, installed in 1926, had been silent for many years. The silence was due in part to the failure of the ringing mechanism, but also to the critical structural work required to replace the failing wooden supports for the 3,000lb bell and to repair the tower’s masonry and parapet.

We are overjoyed to let you know that, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our parishioners, the final touches have been put on the restoration of the bell and tower at St. Paul Church! The replacement of the bell’s electronic ringing mechanism – the final phase of this long project – was just completed, and the bell is ready to ring again! A formal dedication, recognition, and blessing will take place this fall (stay tuned – more info to come!), but we can’t let the bell remain silent until then!

Please join us on Saturday, May 18 for the inaugural bell-ringing at the conclusion of the 4:00pm Vigil Mass, and an informal celebration on the lawn at St. Paul Church! (In the event of rain, we’ll move the festivities to the Parish Hall.)

 Come and celebrate this wonderful moment together as a faith community!


Saturday, May 18: An Inaugural “Ringing of the Bell” at St. Paul Church!