This weekend, October 28-29, we will welcome Fr. Peter Marsalek from the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) who will give a mission appeal at our parish.

Founded in 1958, SOLT is a Catholic international missionary community serving in 8 countries throughout the world. We are teams of priests, consecrated brothers and sisters, and laity who serve the Church. We imitate Mary’s virtues and seek to enter into her intimacy with the Most Holy Trinity. We go where we are needed and serve in many capacities, including education, evangelization, pastoral, retreats, health care and drug rehabilitation.

SOLT Missionaries bring hope and the love of Jesus and Mary to people living in impoverished conditions, serving in parishes and schools giving the sacraments and teaching catechism in remote areas. They also care for the needs of the poor through community and family development projects such as clean water, food and medical care. They serve migrant farm workers, refugees, Native Americans, orphans, the elderly, families and those undergoing drug rehabilitation. 

Your generosity makes it possible for these missionaries to bring Christ to the poor. SOLT needs your help to continue its missionary work throughout the world. They would like to invite you to this work through your prayers, consideration of a volunteer opportunity, and financial support. Please help Fr. Peter and the SOLT family respond to the needs of the people.


Missionary Cooperative Appeal Weekend: Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity