Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass

Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass

Please join us on Sunday, September 22 at 10:30am on the St. Paul Lawn for our annual Collaborative Outdoor Mass and fellowship event! 

NEW THIS YEAR!  Our SJSP Society of  St. Vincent de Paul chapter is sponsoring a cookout after Mass, providing hotdogs, hamburgers, and veggie burgers for all!  Please plan to bring a side dish/salad to share if you are able!

So that as many members of our community as possible can join together for this special liturgy and fellowship event, there will be a reduced Mass schedule at the parishes on the weekend of September 21-22…

Bible Study: Women in the Old Testament – Begins October 8

Bible Study: Women in the Old Testament – Begins October 8

As Catholics, we often stick to the familiar stories from Scripture that we hear at Mass, but what about those stories that are few and far between in our lectionary? 

This fall, join us as we explore the creativity, courage, and leadership of women in the Old Testament and come to know ourselves and God more deeply through the lens of their stories. Journeying with women such as Sarah, Deborah, and Ruth, this study will explore Israel’s beginnings, captivity and freedom, and tribal period from the perspective of the earliest women of salvation history.  

No prior knowledge is required – only an open heart and mind, and a willingness to meet these holy figures in prayer and community…

Collaborative Book Club: “The Everlasting Man” by G.K. Chesterton – Begins September 26

Collaborative Book Club: “The Everlasting Man” by G.K. Chesterton – Begins September 26

Our first meeting of the new season will be Thursday, September 26, at 7:00pm in the St. Paul office building. Our book will be G.K. Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man

Considered by many to be Chesterton’s greatest masterpiece of all his writings, this is his whole view of world history as informed by the Incarnation. Beginning with the origin of man and the various religious attitudes throughout history, Chesterton shows how the fulfillment of all of man’s desires takes place in the person of Christ and in Christ’s Church. 

For the first meeting, we will discuss Part One, Chapters 1-4.

This Thursday, September 12: Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue Event: “Synodality: A Language of Listening”

This Thursday, September 12: <i>Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue</i> Event: “Synodality: A Language of Listening”

In late April, Temple Beth Elohim hosted a beautiful night of Shabbat services and interfaith sharing. Members of faith communities throughout the Wellesley community were invited to worship together and hear reflections from representative clergy. From that beautiful event the idea for an interfaith lay ministry arose. Members of various congregations met together and formed the Wellesley Interfaith Lay DialogueWILD – whose aim is to explore opportunities for lay conversation and collaboration.

Our first event, facilitated by Kelly Meraw, will be held on Thursday, September 12 at 7:00pm at Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley. The topic of the evening’s dialogue will be “Synodality: A Language of  Listening”

Seasons of Hope: Fall 2024 – Begins September 23

Seasons of Hope: Fall 2024 – Begins September 23

If you have experienced the death of a loved one and are searching for meaning and consolation, we invite you to join our Seasons of Hope group. Seasons of Hope is a Christ-centered group where we will be able to share and learn from each other as we walk together in faith on our unique journey of grief.  

Fall Session Begins September 23. We will gather from 5:00pm – 6:30pm at St. John the Evangelist Church in Powers Hall (lower level of the church) on the following dates: September 23, September 30, October 7, October 14, October 21, and October 28. 

Registration is required: for more information and to register please visit…

Fall Bible Study: Isaiah Part Two – Begins September 18

Fall Bible Study: Isaiah Part Two – Begins September 18

You are invited to join a 6-session Little Rock study of the second part of the prophet Isaiah, chapters 40 to 66. (Part 1 is not required as a prerequisite.)

Dates: September 18, 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23

Time: Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Place: St Paul Parish Hall

Following the oracles of destruction that dominate the earlier portion of the book of Isaiah, Part Two of our study covers Isaiah 40–66, emphasizing the majesty of God and the divine plan for Israel’s restoration…

Religious Education News

Religious Education News

All registered families have been sent an email with program information for the upcoming year. This email has detailed information about each program, a link to the calendar and a link to the corresponding Parent Guide. If you have not received the email please check your spam folder and if it is not there please contact Linda.Messore@sjspwellesley.org to resolve any communication issues. 

Please note that we are still looking for teachers to help out with our Wednesday afternoon classes. There are only 9 sessions and they will meet from 3:30 -4:30 pm on Wednesday. Please consider sharing your faith with the young people in our program, it is a very rewarding experience…

Our New Collaborative Children’s Choir

Our New Collaborative Children’s Choir

We are delighted to begin our choral season at the Collaborative, and we are especially thrilled about the debut of the Collaborative Children’s Choir. The Children’s Choir will sing the 9:00am Family Mass weekly during the school year. Its repertoire will be broad and will aim to introduce the singers (and congregation) to music from different parts of the Church’s history up to and including the music of today.

The Children’s Choir is open to grades 3-7 (with some flexibility, just ask!) and meets at 8:15am before the 9:00am Sunday Mass. There are no prerequisites, just an enthusiastic attitude and the desire to sing beautifully.

The goals of this choir are to give the children an opportunity to participate more fully in the liturgy…

Evening Prayer on the Feast of St. Phoebe

Evening Prayer on the Feast of St. Phoebe

On September 3 we gathered at St. John to celebrate the Feast of St. Phoebe with song, prayer, and readings from scripture.

Sr. Colleen preached on the life of St. Phoebe, a deacon and mother of the ancient Church, who shared the Good News of Christ’s resurrection through the letter she carried to Rome and the witness she gave by her life. She reminded us of the significance of the St. Paul’s letter to the Romans and the trust and faith he must have had in Deacon Phoebe’s ability to effectively preach it to an unfamiliar and important community. Phoebe’s example still brings hope for women in the Church, and reminds us that we are all called to share the good news and to receive others in the Lord…