Update from the Synod: Day 4 – Deacon Day!

Update from the Synod: Day 4 – Deacon Day!

On this day we found ourselves in the Saint Lawrence Basilica, built as a diaconiae (not to be confused by that word). A diaconiae started as a simple structure to serve the needs of the poor in the area. Over time it was developed and expanded to include an oratory where deacons could gather in prayer. To this day, this oratory contains the Easter Candle as well as the ambo for the proclamation of the Gospel. Eventually a sanctuary was added to the oratory. This three-part design of the oratory and the sanctuary is a graphic reminder of the deacon’s threefold ministry of the Word (oratory), Sacrament (sanctuary) and Charity (the nave). These three make up one sacred reality! Pope Francis resumed the ancient custom of entrusting a church to a Deacon…

Updates from the Synod: Day 3 – “For every Francis, a Clare.”

Updates from the Synod: Day 3 – “For every Francis, a Clare.”

Early in the morning we went to the Basilica of St. Mary Major.

The Basilica ties its origins to a miracle that occurred in the fourth century: a snowfall on August 5 in Rome—a sign revealed to Pope Liberius in a dream. To commemorate that event every year on that date a snowfall of white rose petals cascades down over the altar. It felt dreamlike to be here! We had a special opportunity to celebrate Mass in one of the side chapels. Our two priests presided with their backs to us, tucked into that side altar in a church with snowfalls, Bernini statues, marbled mosaics and a relic from the nativity crib!

In the afternoon, Discerning Deacons and CEAMA (Amazonian Ecclesial Conference) hosted a panel in Pope Pius XI Hall…

October’s Evening for Women Program: “Women in Sacred Music”

October’s Evening for Women Program: “Women in Sacred Music”

This past Tuesday, October 1, we gathered at St. John for our first Evening for Women program of the 2024-2025 season. Guest speaker William Endicott, our new  Collaborative Director of Music, spoke about the significant contributions of women in sacred music.

From sorting out the myths and facts surrounding St. Cecilia, the official patron saint of music, to a discussion of St. Hildegard of Bingen (c. 1098-1179), composer and Doctor of the Church, to more modern women composers of sacred music, including Florence Price and Theophane Hytrek, SSSF, it was an enlightening evening for all!

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

As we begin the month of October, a month the Church sets aside in intentional prayer for the dignity of life and the flawless witness of our Blessed Mother, it seems only fitting that we remind one another of the abundance of life in our own Collaborative.

Our Sunday 9AM Family Mass is not the only place where you will find the faithful witness of young families gathered to participate in the celebration of the Mass. Voices and hearts of all ages make up the fabric of each of our Masses. We are so grateful that at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative it is rare to experience a Mass without the simultaneous presence of those with a lifetime of devotion and wisdom under their spiritual belts as well as little hearts learning to know and love Jesus…

Updates from the Synod: Day 2 – St. Phoebe Prayer Service

Updates from the Synod: Day 2 – St. Phoebe Prayer Service

Our parishioner, Svea Fraser, is in Rome with the Discerning Deacons/CEAMA Pilgrims and will be sending us updates from their journey!

We gathered at the Migrant Statue Angels Unawares for a Visio Divina, a meditation inviting us to enter the lives and struggles of the 150 different people from different eras and parts of the world who are molded in bronze.  It is truly a “visual prayer”:  a prayer that is not just about migrants, but about all of us and the future of the human family. The Pope called it a reminder of the challenge of welcoming.  Rising out of the center of the statue are two huge wings, a reference from Hebrews: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”…

October 7: A Day of Prayer & Fasting for Peace in the World

October 7: A Day of Prayer & Fasting for Peace in the World

Pope Francis has called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the world on October 7.

He says,

“In this dramatic hour of our history, while the winds of war and the fires of violence continue to devastate entire peoples and nations,” the Christian community is reminded of its call to “put itself at the service of humanity.”

Read more about how fasting relates to prayer…

Saturday, October 5: Confession Time Change 1:30-3:00pm

Saturday, October 5: Confession Time Change 1:30-3:00pm

This Saturday, October 5, Confessions at St. John will be from 1:30pm – 3:00pm (instead of the regular 1:00-2:30pm) due to a number of scheduling conflicts. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Confessions are also available on Tuesday evenings at St. Paul from 7:00pm-8:00pm, and by appointment – please call either parish office to arrange. St. John: 781-235-0045 | St. Paul: 781-235-1060

Ministering to the Catholic Community at Wellesley College

Ministering to the  Catholic Community at  Wellesley College

Late last spring, a group of Catholic students at Wellesley College reached out to Kelly Meraw, Director of Pastoral Care and Liturgy, asking for guidance in how they could arrange for Sunday Mass to be celebrated regularly on campus. Kelly and Sr. Colleen Gibson, our Pastoral Care Coordinator, worked with the chaplain at Wellesley College to schedule weekly Confessions and  Sunday Mass in Houghton Chapel for the students.

We are so grateful for the presence of Fr. Gabriel, our Parochial Vicar, and our Scholar Priests in Residence, Fr. Lesley and Fr. James, which makes this ministry possible.

The Wellesley College Newman Catholic  Student Organization has asked Kelly to serve as their Advisor, and she and Sr. Colleen will continue to work with this group to provide pastoral care and leadership to these young Catholic women residing in our parish…

Young Adult Ministry is underway at the Collaborative!

Young Adult Ministry is underway at the Collaborative!

Special thanks to those young adults who were able to join us for our first Meet and Greet this past Saturday. Our group of 12 (how’s that for a biblical number?!) filled the St. John’s Rectory with joy and laughter as we embarked on this new venture. The group has begun brainstorming ideas for upcoming programming and will gather again soon. Keep your eyes on the bulletin and website (and follow us on Instagram @sjspwellesley.org!) for more information.

And if you’re a young adult (between the ages of 21 and 40) interested in taking part in this new ministry, please visit  sjspwellesley.org/adult-faith-enrichment/young-adults  to sign up for our mailing list, so you never miss what’s happening –  including a new survey out this week! 

Updates from the Synod: Day 1 – Opening Mass

Updates from the Synod: Day 1 – Opening Mass

Our parishioner, Svea Fraser, is in Rome with the Discerning Deacons/CEAMA Pilgrims and will be sending us updates from their journey!

The Discerning Deacons/CEAMA Pilgrims arrived over the past two days, 55 pilgrims representing five countries and both hemispheres!  Even before we got here, we were filled with great joy when we learned about the private audience that Pope Francis held for nine women from our group, among them Casey Stanton, Sister Elizabeth Young and the women leaders from the Amazon. It was a surprising opportunity for them to speak personally and offer support for a synodal church and to pray for him. As one of the Spanish speakers relayed to me, she could feel the weight of his mission and felt his compassion and the weight of the papacy on his heart, and his knees!