Feed a Child at NPH Today! Special Collection April 27-28

Feed a Child at NPH Today! Special Collection April 27-28

Since 2017, our Collaborative has been a part of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) family, helping to transform the lives of vulnerable children throughout Latin America and the Caribbean through the generous support and sponsorship of our parishioners…

Each day, NPH provides nutritious meals and food baskets for 8,000 children and adults who might not otherwise eat. At every main home for children, NPH offers a sustainable farming option which helps harvest 15-30% of the food needed at that home. The remaining food needed must be purchased, which costs $2 million annually.

To continue helping in the vital work of NPH, our Collaborative will be taking up a special second collection at Masses on April 27- 28 to help fill a deficit gap in NPH’s food program…

Discerning Diakonia: Renewing a Prophetic Diaconate for a Co-responsible Church  

Discerning Diakonia: Renewing a Prophetic Diaconate for a Co-responsible Church   

On Monday, April 29th at 4:00pm on Zoom, Discerning Deacon will host a virtual gathering to hear from stakeholders from the United States and Canada whose stories, experiences and examples give us living witness for what is needed and what could be possible for our church in this third millennium. 

All are invited to a focused synodal encounter with a listening presence from voting synod delegates. This will include a conversation in the Spirit to expand and deepen the discernment.  Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish will be available.

Visit discerningdeacons.org for more information and to register…

Exciting Religious Education Updates for 2024-2025 – Register Now!

Exciting Religious Education Updates for 2024-2025 – Register Now!

Registration for our 2024-2025 academic year is now open!  The Archdiocese has lowered the age for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation to 8th grade. In response, the Collaborative has several exciting updates to our Religious Education program this year which will impact Grades 6-10 and our sacrament preparation program.  With these changes, it is more important than ever that families register their children for Religious Education as soon as possible. Registration extends through May 31…

“Evening for Women” Thank You!

“Evening for Women” Thank You!

Thank you to all who joined us Tuesday, April 9 for our April “Evening for Women” with guest speaker Dr. Jaime Waters! The evening was one of enrichment and fellowship as we learned about and prayed with the hidden women of the Exodus story and shared a meal together!

Mark your calendars for May 7 at 6:00pm when we will gather for Mass & a potluck dinner as we celebrate our final “Evening for Women” before taking a summer break!

May is the Month of Mary – Join us for May Crownings!

May is the Month of Mary – Join us for May Crownings!

At the 9:00AM Family Mass on both May 5 (St. John) and May 12 (St. Paul), we will celebrate Mary by having a May Crowning. All parishioners are invited to bring flowers and participate in a May Procession at the end of Mass. One child at each Mass will be selected in a drawing to place a choral crown on Mary’s head. Children who have made their First Communion (in 2024 & older) are invited to take part in this drawing. 

Look for the entry forms and drawing box in the lobby of each church through April 28…

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Attention Volunteers! April is CORI Renewal Month

Each year in the Spring, all staff and volunteers age 18 and older (including Eucharistic ministers and lectors, choir members and musicians, members of councils and commissions, ushers and counters, other Mass volunteers, etc.) must complete an annual Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) background screening (except for Religious Education and Youth Ministry volunteers who complete their screening in the early Fall), as mandated by civil and Archdiocese of Boston authorities…

Holy Week and Easter at the Collaborative

Holy Week and Easter at the Collaborative

From the solemn our solemn observances of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, through the Easter joy that was felt around our Sacred Fire at the Vigil on Saturday evening, to the very last blessing on Sunday, the SJSP family rejoiced in the resurrection of Our Lord!

Please visit our Previously Streamed Liturgies page to watch our live streamed liturgies. As requested, we have also posted a separate link to Fr. Hehir’s Easter homily…

Tuesday, April 9 at 6:30pm: “Evening for Women” with Dr. Jaime Waters

Tuesday, April 9 at 6:30pm: “Evening for Women” with Dr. Jaime Waters

We are excited to welcome back Dr. Jaime Waters! Dr. Waters is an Associate Professor of the Old Testament and Program Director of Courage to Preach at the B.C. Clough School of Ministry and Theology.  Her presentation will highlight “Hidden Women of the Exodus” and consider how these women can serve as models for us today, particularly in responding to injustice and oppression.

All women of the Collaborative are warmly invited!  A pot-luck supper will follow Dr. Waters’ presentation.  Please bring a dish to share and kindly RSVP…