All are invited to gather in the St. Paul Rectory following the 9:00am Mass on Fridays in Lent for a peaceful hour of reflection and prayer over sacred poetry with Sister Mary Sweeney, SC. No registration required!

For those not able to attend in person, selected poems from each week are shared below.


“Too Many to Love” – a Poem by Fr. Thomas J. Fitzpatrick
This week, we are sharing a poem from Fr. Tom Fitzpatrick, S.J., who shared his story and poetry with a rapt audience in the St. John Chapel last Sunday. Fr. Tom has been a Jesuit for 64 years and a priest for 51. His writing reveals a lifelong spiritual journey with God. He uses humor and images of nature, with simple and direct language, to make God real for us ...
“The Promise of Darkening Dust” – a Poem by Colleen Gibson, SSJ
This week, we are happy to feature work from a very special guest poet - our own Sister Colleen Gibson!

“The Promise of Darkening Dust"

The journey we walk is long
but we must keep on walking
One foot in front of the other
From one passing moment to the next ...
“Love (III)” from “Lenten Poetry and Prayer” with Sr. Mary Sweeney
On the first Friday in Lent, this poem by George Herbert - and its theme of God’s love and forgiveness - was a focus of discussion and prayer.

Love (III)

Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back,
Guilty of dust and sin.
But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack
From my first entrance in,
Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning,
If I lacked anything.

A guest, I answered, worthy to be here:
Love said, You shall be he