Catholic Women DO Preach: Making Our Voices Heard – A Book Celebration

Catholic Women DO Preach: Making Our Voices Heard – A Book Celebration

All are invited to a book celebration sponsored by Boston College Clough School of Theology and Ministry and FutureChurch for Catholic Women Preach: Raising Voices, Renewing the Church. This publication, edited by Elizabeth Donnelly and Russ Petrus, is a collection of homilies offered by Catholic women from Cycle C in the Catholic lectionary – including our own Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ, who is also part of the evening’s panel discussion.

Free of charge – Attend virtually or in person (space is limited)  – Advance registration required

“Creating Supple Hearts” – A Reflection by Sr. Colleen Gibson

“Creating Supple Hearts” – A Reflection by Sr. Colleen Gibson

Jesus prayed. It might seem like an obvious, and certainly fundamental, part of Jesus’ life, and yet I find myself captivated by the fact that amid everything else, the Gospel author chooses to make note that Jesus prayed.

I wonder what Jesus prayed about? How was the Spirit swirl­ing on that hillside as Jesus looked out over the sea—having just fed the five thousand and watching his disciples struggle to understand everything that was happening? And if I were to sit with him in that moment, what might Jesus say to me?

Thank You for Your Prayers!

Thank You for Your Prayers!

It was with great joy that I was able to be a part of the General Chapter for my congregation, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia, at the end of June.

For ten days, a group of 189 sisters gathered at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia to pray together, discern our future, and ask God’s guidance on the next five years of our Congregation.

As our Chapter theme called us we spent our days “Listening Deeply & Loving Courageously,” not just for our own life but for the life of the world and the many communities we serve. Truly it was blessed time to be together, filled with sacred sharing, heartfelt reunions, and a healthy dose of laughter along the way…