Do You Love to Knit/Crochet? Help Make Baby Items for our Mother’s Day “Baby Shower” for Pregnancy Help Boston!

Do You Love to Knit/Crochet? Help Make Baby Items for our Mother’s Day “Baby Shower” for Pregnancy Help Boston!

Our Collaborative will once again host a Mother’s Day “Baby Shower” to collect needed items for the clients of Pregnancy Help Boston, a pregnancy resource center supported through the Archdiocese…

Last year we also provided handmade baby items like hats and blankets for newborns, and the staff at Pregnancy Help remarked particularly on the quantity and quality of the knitted items. Many women who come to Pregnancy Help are alone, so having such a unique and special item for their baby, knitted with love in magnificent colors, is a very special gift!

It’s time to get knitting!  We’re asking folks who love to knit/crochet to participate in this ministry once again…

Sunday, February 9: We’re Joining Capuchin Mobile Missions for Winter Walk 2025!

Sunday, February 9: We’re Joining Capuchin Mobile Missions for Winter Walk 2025!

Please consider joining the Capuchin Mobile Missions Winter Walk Team to help raise awareness and critical funds for their important mission!

All are welcome – individuals, families, adults, kids – even dogs! It’s a great opportunity to join together in service with other members of our SJSP community!

While those who are able to fundraise or make a personal donation for Capuchin Mobile Missions are encouraged to do so, it not required to participate in the walk. To register…

Christmas Wish and Giving Tree All Wrapped Up!

Christmas Wish and Giving Tree All Wrapped Up!

Thank you to all who purchased gifts and gave so generously to the Giving Tree! We are so grateful for your support, which make a real difference in the lives of others each year at Christmas time. And thank you to the Religious Ed students and families who helped move and sort the gifts in the Parish Hall so they would be ready for pick up!

Through the overwhelming kindness and generosity of our parish, Christmas Wish was able to provide gifts and outfits to more than 345 children from 116 families in Brockton, Lowell, Roxbury, and Wellesley. We also raised enough donations for each family to get a $200 grocery gift card. And in addition we were able to donate another 336 $25 grocery gift cards to Julie’s Family Learning Program in South Boston…

A Message from our friends at NPH

A Message from our friends at NPH

This Christmas season, 9,000 children and adults that receive services from Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) have you to thank and pray for! You have continuously provided them with essentials to live, and tools to survive.

I recently read a story about a young man who grew up at NPH Peru. At 7 months old, Adalberto was abandoned by his mother and his father wasn’t in the picture. He first lived with his maternal aunt and grandmother, but they did not have adequate resources to care for him. He would usually be found sleeping on the street using a cardboard box as a bed and a newspaper as a blanket. In 2004, Adalberto was the first child to join the home at NPH Peru when it opened…

Saturday, December 14 at 9:30am: Gaudete Prayer Service with SVdP at St. Paul Church

Saturday, December 14 at 9:30am: Gaudete Prayer Service with SVdP at St. Paul Church

All are invited to join the Saint Vincent de Paul Conference of St. John-St. Paul Collaborative in a Prayer Service on Saturday morning, December 14, at 9:30am at St. Paul Church (or streaming online here.)  This prayer service is our send-off offering prior to our Christmas visits to our homebound parishioners. 

We would also like to thank the members of the Young Adult Ministry group and the students preparing for their Confirmation for their support of this effort.

Merry Christmas and a heartfelt thank you from our St. Vincent de Paul Conference team.

“Spirit of Sharing” Gift Collection for Saint Patrick Parish, Lawrence

“Spirit of Sharing” Gift Collection for Saint Patrick Parish, Lawrence

Founded over two decades ago here at Saint John School, Spirit of Sharing  helps brighten Christmas for about 350 boys and girls who live in the gateway city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, one of the most financially impoverished cities in the U.S. Many thanks for your continued support of this blessed community. 

This Advent Season, we invite you to donate gifts for children ages 3 to 14 in one of the following three ways:

Shop for a Christmas gift in person and drop it off between December 9 and December 20 at St. John School’s Ledyard Street entrance…

St. Paul Giving Tree: Take a Tag or Scan a Code Starting this Weekend!

St. Paul Giving Tree: Take a Tag or Scan a Code Starting this Weekend!

St. Paul Giving Tree is an Advent tradition spreading Christmas cheer from our parish to hundreds of people through several local organizations. 

This year’s Giving Tree program begins this weekend, November 17-18, with two boards set up in the St. Paul Sanctuary with gift tag requests.

Several of the organizations we are supporting have also provided Amazon Wish Lists to make giving easier – simply scan the QR codes on the posters in the church, select the items you would like to gift, and they will be shipped directly to the organizational representative…

A Night to Celebrate and Support Capuchin Mobile Ministries

A Night to Celebrate and Support Capuchin Mobile Ministries

Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:30pm at the St. Paul Parish Hall

Our friends at Capuchin Mobile Ministries, the recipients of our 2024 Collaborative Lenten Gift, extend an invitation to all to attend their upcoming “Grateful Gathering” annual benefit event –

Please join us for an evening of gratitude and support for the work of Capuchin Mobile Ministries. As we enter the season of thanksgiving and gratitude, we will celebrate our collective accomplishments and hear from leadership about how our ministry can grow…  Our evening together will feature delicious food, wonderful company, and new ways to support Capuchin Mobile Ministries…

To purchase tickets or make a donation…

October 26-27: St. Francis House Toiletries Collection (Small/Single Use)

October 26-27: St. Francis House Toiletries Collection (Small/Single Use)

Please donate personal or small sized toiletry items to our collection for the guests of St. Francis House. Items may be placed in the boxes available at the back of both churches for collection on the weekend of October 26-27. 

Suggested items include: shampoo, body lotion, soap, deodorant, shaving cream, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Complimentary hotel items are totally acceptable! 

Boo! It’s time to think about Christmas!

Boo! It’s time to think about Christmas!

Christmas in October???  Yes, that’s a scary thought!!!

But when it comes to fulfilling Christmas Wishes for 400 children we need to start thinking about Christmas in October!  We have only 3 weeks to recruit volunteers to sign up to sponsor a child this Christmas – will you be one of them?

When you sponsor a child (or multiple children) through Christmas Wish, you will be given a wish list for clothing and a special gift that you will purchase and drop off at a local Wellesley home to be delivered to the families. Your instructions will be emailed to you the week before Thanksgiving and gifts will need to be dropped off the week after Thanksgiving.

We also welcome donations to help purchase gifts and gift cards for children not matched with sponsors…