Our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass and Food Drive

Our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass and Food Drive

This year, our Collaborative Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 9:00am at St. John the Evangelist Church.

Please consider sharing your blessings by bringing non-perishable items for the Bristol Lodge Food Pantry.  Suggested donations include: snacks for kids, pasta and sauce, tuna, peanut butter, rice, cooking oil, flour, sugar, spices, granola bars, coffee, tea, can openers, diapers, toiletries, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, paper products.

Donations may be placed in the St. John’s narthex as you come in to Mass – look for the Bristol Lodge Food Pantry signs. If you are away for Thanksgiving, donations can be dropped at St. John’s through Monday, December 1.

Please Note: This is the only Mass on Thanksgiving Day – there will be no 7:00am Mass at St. John.

Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass

Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass

Please join us on Sunday, September 22 at 10:30am on the St. Paul Lawn for our annual Collaborative Outdoor Mass and fellowship event! 

NEW THIS YEAR!  Our SJSP Society of  St. Vincent de Paul chapter is sponsoring a cookout after Mass, providing hotdogs, hamburgers, and veggie burgers for all!  Please plan to bring a side dish/salad to share if you are able!

So that as many members of our community as possible can join together for this special liturgy and fellowship event, there will be a reduced Mass schedule at the parishes on the weekend of September 21-22…

Our Regular Weekend Mass Schedule Returns on Sunday, September 8 – with the Addition of a Sunday 7:30am Mass!

Our Regular Weekend Mass Schedule Returns on Sunday, September 8 – <i>with the Addition of a Sunday 7:30am Mass!</i>

Our Regular Collaborative Weekend Mass Schedule returns after Labor Day on the weekend of September 7-8. 

Sunday, September 8 is the 2nd Sunday of the month, so the 9:00am Family Mass (and Coffee and Donuts!) and 5:00pm Youth Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul – we look forward to welcoming you back to these special liturgies!

NEW! Sunday 7:30am Mass

We are excited to let you know that after careful consideration of our current ministry schedule and available celebrants, Fr. Jim has made the decision to add a 7:30am Sunday Mass to our Regular Weekend Mass Schedule effective Sunday, September 8…

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction is Underway!

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction is Underway!

The reconstruction of the parking lot at St. John the Evangelist Parish is now underway – check out some photos from the first few days of work below!

As we announced earlier this month, we cannot celebrate weekend Masses at St. John while the parking is closed.  

The Temporary Mass Schedule for this weekend, July 20-21, next weekend, July 27-28, and the following weekend, August 3-4, is:  

Saturday 4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul*
Sunday 9:00am Mass at St. Paul*
Sunday 11:00am Mass at St. Paul*

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction and Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule Changes Beginning July 20-21

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction and Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule Changes Beginning July 20-21

We are excited to let you know that we will be replacing the St. John parking lot this summer! The parking lot is long past its expected lifespan, so the project will be a major undertaking as it requires the demolition and removal of the existing surface prior to the installation of the new surface. The work will begin on Monday, July 15 and is expected to be finished by the week of August 5.

We will be unable to celebrate weekend Masses at St. John on July 20-21, July 27-28, and August 3-4 while the parking lot is closed.  During this time, there will be NO Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass and the Sunday 11:00am Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul Church.

Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule for July 20-21, July 27-28, August 3-4:  

Summer Weekend Mass Schedule Begins Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-26

Summer Weekend Mass Schedule Begins Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-26

Our Summer Weekend Mass Schedule will take effect Memorial Day Weekend and run through Labor Day, September 1. During the summer, our Family Mass (and Coffee and Donuts!) and Sunday 5pm Youth Mass programs are “on vacation.” This summer our schedule will be:

4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul Church
5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church

9:00am Mass at St. Paul Church (regular liturgy, no Coffee & Donuts)
11:00am Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church